June 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM - District 23 Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion Items
II.A. Financial Reporting to the Committee
Monthly review of Year to Date Revenue and Expenditures
II.B. Interfund Transfer Resolution - Design Fees to ARCON Associates
At the December 14, 2023 BOE meeting, the Board approved the commencement of formal design work in an amount not to exceed $700,000. The work through the March referendum has been completed in the amount of approximately $610,000. The interfund transfer is being shared as required to pay the invoices prior to the fiscal year close in June.
II.C. EMPIST Network Management - Renewal
Amy will provide an update on current negotiations with Empist for a multi- year Network Management Services extension.
II.D. Proposal for Interior Painting - Grodsky Office Areas
The bid for windows and siding work includes the repainting of only the window walls in the Grodsky Building. While some offices have been painted as new staff has come in, it has been at least 12-15 years since the building has been fully painted.
II.E. Proposal for Partition Replacements - Grodsky Business Office and Supt./HR Areas
With the addition of the Operations clerical position, the workstations in the Business Office will be reconfigured and replaced with refurbished workstations to accommodate the new full-time team member. The District will be re-purposing the existing free-standing file cabinets and/or receiving a credit for the trades. Additionally, the partitions (only) in the Superintendent's office will be replaced to match the Business Office. All work will be completed in late July.
II.F. Security Camera - Phase 3
The final phase of our Security Camera installation is scheduled to take place following the completion of the windows and siding work this summer. Work includes the exterior cameras at Ross, Sullivan and Grodsky.
II.G. Organic Life Renewal & Lunch Fee Recommendation
Amy will provide an update on the Organic Life Renewal and pricing for 2024-25.
III. Adjournment