November 2, 2021 at 8:00 AM - Buildings & Sites Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion Items
II.A. Discussion of Summer 2021 Work
MacArthur Roofing Work - L. Marshall Roofing had been notified that liquidated damages (LD's) were being assessed per the contract until full project completion. LD's were assessed at $500/day which will be credited back to the District. To date, damages are just over $8,500. The District will also be receiving a credit of $4,678.20 from the contract for the fasteners that D23 purchased from Industrial Cork as well as an allocation for sheet metal repair work of approximately $3,000.
HVAC Retrofit Project - E-Cube is currently in the process of finalizing the commissioning on this summer's work at Ross & Sullivan. Together with EMCOR and Honeywell, they are addressing final issues and should be fully completed within the week. Construction Voucher - Attached is the Master Project Tracking Sheet. A limited number of invoices will be presented to the Board for approval at the November Board meeting.
II.B. Lost Time - Overtime Report
The Lost Time /Over Time report for October has been attached for the Committee's review.
II.C. Extended Day Program Office Furnishings - Update
Amy McPartlin and EDP Director Kris Lebrecht have been working to re-organize the EDP office. Current conditions in the office are crowded with numerous stacked bins, hanging bags of hula-hoops and balls and cabinets full of supplies. The office has been re-designed to more efficiently allow for staff interaction and maximize storage.
Funds are currently available in the EDP Supply Budget. As many of the supplies (crafts, game) went unused last year, there is available funding to allow for this expenditure.
II.D. Projector Replacement Schedule
In accordance with the Technology Department’s equipment replacement schedule we are in year two of the classroom projector replacements. Amy will provide a brief update on this project for school year 2021-22.
II.E. Annual Regional Office of Education (ROE) & Fire Marshall Walk Through - Update
Mike completed the annual walkthrough with the Regional Office of Education's inspector as well as the State Fire Marshall. All in all, the District fared quite well. Minor issues that were identified included: propped doors and lamps/lights and rugs that have been brought in from outside. We will also need to work on the installation of GFCI outlets at all drinking fountains. There is a work order to replace the outlets over time. We anticipate completion by the start of the 2022-23 school year.
II.F. City of Prospect Heights - Easement Discussion
The City of Prospect Heights is working on a storm water management improvement for the Arlington Countryside neighborhood. The plan includes the installation of a pumping station on Forrest Avenue and construction of a storm sewer along Camp McDonald Road, to McDonald Creek. Because of the location of existing utilities beneath Camp McDonald Road, the City is requesting an easement between the parking lot and the sidewalk at Eisenhower School. We have asked Arcon and our civil engineer, CAGE to review the plans and provide a recommendation.
II.G. Summer 2022 Work & Schedule
We are in the process of working with Arcon to coordinate the bid processes for both the Sullivan/MacArthur Roofing work and the MacArthur Phase 1 HVAC retrofit work scheduled to be completed this summer. Funding for these capital projects is to come from the 2021 bond proceeds as approved by the Board. Approved project authorizations have been attached.
II.H. Approval of Disposals
Mike and Amy have visited each of the storage areas throughout the district and have tagged multiple items for disposal. These items largely consist of old classroom furniture and broken furnishings that had been saved for parts.
With Phase One of the MacArthur Library being installed later this week, Amy had reached out to IASBO colleagues and community partners as well as the Archdiocese of Chicago to see if there was any interest in the donation. We are happy to report that the furniture will be going to three separate schools on the south side of the city. They are most appreciative!
II.I. Water, Water, Everywhere!!
Within the past few weeks, we have experienced roof leaks in the Sullivan Library and the MacArthur Breezeway and continued seepage issues both in the MacArthur Band room and the Grodsky basement. Mike is working with Riddiford Roofing, DeFranco Plumbing and Arcon to determine the best course of action to address each of these concerns.
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment