February 23, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Call to Order by President Kurt Herrington
1.B. First Order of Business - Announcement by the Chairman as to the presence of a quorum, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required.
1.C. Invocation
1.D. Pledges of Allegiance to American and Texas Flags
The public comment portion of each board meeting shall be used as a forum for the public or employees to present items of information to the Board of Education. We are doing this to be responsive to the community. Due to the confidentiality provision contained in the Texas Public Information Act, Family Education Rights to Privacy Act and other state and federal laws, no speaker will be allowed to demean employees of the school district or discuss students. Each speaker that is recognized shall limit the presentation to five minutes. A delegation of three or more persons shall appoint one person to present their view to the Board. Due to a possible violation of the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board shall make no response. |
if, during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board of Trustees should determine that a closed meeting or session of the Board of Trustees is required, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, chapter §551, concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by section §551.071 through §551.084, or Texas Government Code section §418.183. Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the act authorizing the closed meeting. all final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting. |
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time. |
4.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2021
4.B. Minutes of Called Meeting of February 2, 2021
4.C. Bills Paid for January, 2021
4.D. Financial Report
4.E. Monthly Investment Report
4.F. Tax Collection Report
4.G. Donations
4.H. Investment Policies Review
4.I. School Redesign Grant
4.J. 2021-2022 Pre-Kindergarten Textbook Adoption
4.K. Addition of District Innovative Courses for Engineering/Robotics Pathway
4.K.1. Engineering Applications for Computer Science
4.K.2. Engineering Design and Analysis
4.L. PJHS Course Guide for 2021-22 School Year
4.M. PHS Course Guide and GPA Revisions for 2021-22 School Year
4.N. Cheer Constitution for 2021-22 School Year
4.O. Drill Team Constitution for 2021-22 School Year
4.P. Superintendent's Report
4.P.1. Enrollment Report
4.P.2. COVID Update
4.P.3. Extracurricular Activities
4.P.3.a. High School One-Act Play:
District/March 6, 2021 - Carthage ISD Bi-District/March 17, 2021 - Carthage ISD |
4.P.4. March-April Activities
4.P.4.a. Celebrate Texas Public Schools: March 8-12, 2021
4.P.4.b. Staff Development/Student Early Release Day: March 12, 2021
4.P.4.c. Spring Break: March 15-19, 2021
4.P.4.d. Good Friday Holiday for Staff & Students: April 2, 2021
4.P.5. Upcoming Board Meeting/Training Dates
4.P.5.a. Called Meeting/Board Training - Tonight at 6:00 PM
4.P.5.b. Next Regular Board Meeting: Thursday, March 25, 2021 (Moved from Regular 3rd Monday of month due to Spring Break)
4.P.5.c. TASB Summer Leadership Institute Dates
San Antonio: June 16-19, 2021 Fort Worth: June 23-26, 2021 |
4.P.6. Calendar of Events
4.P.7. Any Other Updates
5.A. Update on 2021-2022 School Calendar Development Process
6. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to Public)
6.A. The Board will convene in Executive/Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter §551
6.B. Discussion of proposed appointments/renewals of contracts of district administrators, and hiring/resignations/retirements of professional personnel.
(Texas Gov't Code §551.074) |
8.A. Consider Approval of Renewals/Extensions of Administrators' Contracts
8.B. Consider HIring of Professional Personnel