Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
The Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Kevin Frazier with the following Board Members and Administrators present: Kevin Frazier _____; Carolyn Hansen _____; Doug Maris _____; Shawn Hohulin _____; Mary Springer _____; Justin Dietrich _____; Allie Parks _____; Superintendent Dr. Laura O'Donnell _____; Assistant Superintendent Andy Walsh _____; OHS Principal Jon Cox _____; OMS Principal Mike Jones _____; ONE Principal Kristina Peifer _____; OSE Principal Stacey Rogers _____; OWE Principal Lisa Castleman _____.
Absent: _______________________________________________________ Others Present: ________________________________________________ The Pledge of Allegiance was led by ________________________________ |
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Opportunity for Public Input
Anyone who wishes to address the Board of Education must contact the Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent at 309-379-6011, ext. 1128, two (2) business days prior to the meeting. At that time, please state if any special accommodations would be needed should your request be granted.
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the Consent Agenda that includes:
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. |
4.A. Approve Agenda
4.B. Approve Minutes from the July 8, 2024 Regular Scheduled Board of Education Meeting (Attachment)
4.C. Approve Bills & Financial Reports (Attachment)
4.D. Approve the following resignations:
4.D.1. Amanda Koonce - Olympia South Bus Aide, effective July 17, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.2. Carrie Driver - Olympia High School Cafeteria, effective July 22, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.3. Liz Pennington - Olympia Middle School Paraprofessional, effective July 29, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.4. Alison Stroud - Olympia High School Assistant Softball Coach, effective July 17, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.5. Ed Jodlowski - Olympia High School Head Speech Coach - Split Stipend, effective July 31, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.6. Hannah Casey - Olympia High School Basketball Cheer Coach, effective August 6, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.7. Oren Baran - Olympia High School Fall Strength and Conditioning Coach, effective August 7, 2024 (Attachment)
4.D.8. Amanda Hapgood - Olympia High School PBIS Tier 1 coach, effective August 8, 2024 (Attachment)
4.E. Approve the employment of the following Education Support Personnel / Coaches:
4.E.1. Chelsi Lanham - Olympia North Elementary Paraprofessional, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.2. Stacy Conrad - Olympia Middle School Special Education 1:1 Paraprofessional, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.3. Christine Pullum - Olympia High School / Middle School Cafeteria, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.4. Delaney Brown - Olympia South Elementary, ECE / Special Education Aide, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.5. Maggie McNalis - Olympia South Paraprofessional, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.6. Brienna Fetty - Olympia South Cafeteria, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.7. Kate Johnson - Olympia North Elementary Health Clerk, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.E.8. Brent Shedd - Olympia Middle School Boys Cross Country Coach, effective for the 2024-2025 season (Attachment)
4.E.9. Ali Stroud - Olympia Middle School Assistant Softball Coach - Split Stipend, effective for the 2024-2025 season (Attachment)
4.E.10. Kendra Finck - Olympia Middle School Assistant Softball Coach - Split Stipend, effective for the 2024-2025 season (Attachment)
4.E.11. Ed Jodlowski - Olympia High School Assistant Speech Coach - Split Stipend, effective for the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.F. Approve the 2024-2025 Olympia North Elementary Student Supervisors, as presented by Kristina Peifer (Attachment)
4.G. Approve the 2024-2025 Olympia South Elementary Student Supervisors, as presented by Stacey Rogers (Attachment)
4.H. Approve the increase in hours for the following Transportation Employees, effective for the 2024-2025 school year:
4.H.1. Amanda Dronenberg - Olympia District Bus Aide, from 5.75 to 7.25 hours per day (Attachment)
4.H.2. David Scott - Olympia District Bus Driver, from 6.5 to 7 hours per day (Attachment)
4.H.3. Tonya Pettenger - Olympia District Bus Aide, from 5.5 to 7.0 hours per day (Attachment)
4.H.4. Chuck Long - Olympia District Bus Driver, from 7.0 to 7.5 hours per day (Attachment)
4.I. Approve the following Extra-Curricular volunteers, effective for the 2024-2025 season:
4.I.1. Kimberly Fleming - Olympia High School Cheer (Attachment)
4.J. Approve the Intent to Retire for Dr. Laura O'Donnell, Olympia District Superintendent, effective at the end of the 2027-2028 school year (Attachment)
4.K. Approve the Intent to Retire for Teresa Steffen, Olympia North Elementary 5th Grade Teacher, effective at the end of the 2027-2028 school year (Attachment)
4.L. Approve the Intent to Retire for Chris Embry Mohr, Olympia High School Agriculture Science Teacher, effective at the end of the 2027-2028 school year (Attachment)
4.M. Approve the Intent to Retire for Colleen Williams, Olympia Middle School Paraprofessional, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year (Attachment)
4.N. Approve the amended Intent to Retire for Tammie Stroud, effective at the end of first semester, December 31, 2024 (Attachment)
4.O. Approve the 2024-2025 Attendance Exception Requests (Attachment)
4.P. Approve the Life Skills Evaluation Instrument as recommended by Superintendent Dr. Laura O'Donnell (Attachment)
4.Q. Approve the Activities Director Evaluation Instrument as recommended by Assistant Superintendent Andy Walsh (Attachment)
4.R. Approval of the 2024-2025 Olympia South Elementary School Improvement Plan (Attachment)
4.S. Aprove the new Building Leader (Principal & Assistant Principal) Evaluation Tool (Attachment)
5. Communications
5.A. A Communications Folder will circulate around the Board Table.
6. Administrative Committee Reports
6.A. Finance Subcommittee
6.B. Building and Grounds Subcommittee
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report (Attachment)
7.A.1. FY25 Budget (Attachments) (Motion)
7.A.2. Bus Bid Approval (Motion)
7.A.3. Activities Director Evaluation Instrument
7.A.4. Summer Project Update
7.A.5. Atlanta Community Solar Project
7.A.6. Bowling Team at OHS (Motion)
7.A.7. Absenteeism and Truancy Policies (Attachment)
7.B. Superintendent's Report
7.B.1. Student Board Members
7.B.2. Policy Updates - 2nd Reading
7.B.3. August Institute
7.B.4. Staffing
7.B.5. Admin Professional Development
7.B.6. Tentative Enrollment
8. Other Business
9. Action Items
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve moving the December Board meeting to December 2, 2024.
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the updated Board policies. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve placing the FY25 Budget on Public Display from August 8th, 2024 through September 8th, 2024, and to hold a Public Budget Hearing on September 9th, 2024 at 5:50 p.m., prior to the regular scheduled Board of Education Meeting. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the purchase of two buses from Central States for $149,560 per bus, and to sell them two buses for a total of $3000, making the total purchase price $296,120. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. A motion was made by _________, seconded by __________, to approve the start of an Olympia High School Bowling Team. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. |
10. Executive Session
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to meet in Executive Session at __________ p.m. to discuss one or all of the following: (1) student discipline; (2) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity and/or litigation from this action; (3) purchase of property; (4) litigation due to action against the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
Ayes __________ Nays __________ A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to reconvene open session at __________ p.m. Ayes __________ Nays __________ |
11. Action as a Result of Executive Session
A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Springer _____; Dietrich _____; Parks _____. |
12. Adjournment
At __________ p.m., a motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried by unanimous vote. |