July 11, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Recognize Visitors
2. Review Fund Balances
3. Motion to place the following items on the Consent agenda:
3.1. Approve the Minutes of the June 13, 2011 Regular Board Meeting
3.2. Approve the Minutes of the June 13, 2011 Executive Session
3.3. Approve the Minutes of the June 28, 2011 Building & Policy Committee Meeting
3.4. Approve the Minutes of the June 28, 2011 Building & Policy Meeting Executive Session
3.5. Approve an Inter-Fund Loan from the Working Cash Fund to the Tort Fund in the amount of $30,000.
3.6. Approve the July Bills
3.7. Approve the July Bill List Addendum
3.8. Approve Building Use Request
3.9. Approve the Request for FMLA for Dana Mueller for the Birth of her Child
4. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
5. Approve the Hiring of Leah Cain as 4th Grade Teacher
6. Review 2nd Property Survey for 16 Acres
7. Action on Item #6
8. Approve Bonding for Jane Hamm as Treasurer for Central School District #104 School Board
9. Action on a Resolution to pay lights, gas, water, telephone service, copy machine lease and custodial supplies from the Building Fund.
10. Action on a Resolution to Appoint the Superintendent as Risk Manager for the District
11. Action on a Resolution to Appoint the Superintendent as the Transportation Coordinator for the District
12. Action on a Resolution to reaffirm and declare all bus routes hazerdous as designated by IDOT
13. Approve the Extension of the Central School District #104 Flexible Benefit Plan #502 for the Plan Year September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2012
14. Report on State Revenues Received - Jane Hamm
15. Construction Update:
16. Action on Item #15 as Required
17. Auto Skills Update: Mrs. Shelton
18. Update on Safe Routes to School: Mr. Anderson
19. BEST Committee Update:
20. Approve School Board Policy changes, additions and Deletions
20.1. Policy 3:50 - Administrative Personnel other than the Superintendent
20.2. Policy 5:40 - Communicable and Chronic Infectious Disease
20.3. Policy 5:50 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
20.4. 6:150 - Home and Hospital Instruction
20.5. Policy 6:160 - English Language Learners
20.6. Policy 6:250 - Community Resource Persons and Volunteers
20.7. Policy 8:110 - Public Suggestions and Concerns
21. Set Meeting Dates and Times:
21.1. Policy and Building Committee Meeting: August 1, 2011 @ 6:30 in the District Board Room
21.2. Finance Committee Meeting: August 8, 2011 @ 6:30pm in the Central School District Board Room
21.3. Environment Committee: August 8, 2011 @ 5:30 in the Central School District Board Room
21.4. Communication and Community Meeting: August TBD 2011 @ 6:00 in the Central Library
21.5. Curriculum and Technology: August 2011 - TBD
22. Newsletters: Board and Administrator, Hodges and Loizzi, Alliance Legislative Report, Safe Routes to School, School Newsletters.
23. FOI Requests:
24. Miscellaneous:
24.1. Tax Appeals:
24.2. Thank You Note from Jean Thouvenot
25. Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, Personnel, Collective Bargaining, employment, evaluation or dismissal of employees.
25.1. TIF Update
26. Adjournment