September 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order
2. Establish a Quorum
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Mission Statement
The mission of Norridge School District 80 is Inspiring Educational Excellence in a Nurturing Environment. |
5. Celebrate the Success
6. Conduct Public Hearing Regarding Norridge School District 80 FY 24 Budget
6.A. Call to Order
6.B. Roll Call
6.C. Receive comments from the public regarding the proposed FY 24 Norridge School District Budget
Illinois law requires that a public hearing be held prior to the adoption of the District's budget. A public hearing is not a dialogue or question-and-answer session between the Board and the audience. It is a time when the public can present information and express opinions. The Board's role is to listen intently to all comments presented by the public and then consider those comments when the Board deliberates on the adoption of the budget. |
6.D. Adjourn Public Hearing
7. Action Item
7.A. Consider motion to approve the agenda as presented/modified
8. Recognition of Visitors
9. Correspondence
10. Public Participation (must sign in)
11. FOIA Request
11.A. Ms. Asmus submitted the following FOIA on September 11, 2023:
Please identify (by employee name and work email address) each and every District employee who is certified as a school librarian (meaning they have the school library license and/or endorsement in library media) and who is currently working in that capacity in your Distrit's library/media centers this academic school year. |
12. Presentation
12.A. District 80 Communication, Attendance and Tardy Procedures for FY 24
13. Administrative Reports
13.A. Superintendent - Mrs. Guzik
13.B. Special Education - Mr. Masters
13.C. Building Reports
13.C.1. Giles School - Mr. Biedke
13.C.2. Leigh School - Dr. Rabiola
13.D. Discipline Reports
13.D.1. Giles - Mrs. Ahrens
13.D.2. Leigh - Mrs. Carnehl
13.E. Monthly Staffing Report
14. Board Committees
14.A. Education
14.B. Board Policy Development
14.C. Buildings and Grounds
14.D. Behavioral Intervention
14.E. Negotiations and Human Resources
14.F. Finance
14.G. Communications
14.H. Norridge Park District
15. Discussion Items
15.A. District Theme: Believe
15.B. Financial Services
15.B.1. Resolution from Working Cash to the Education Fund
15.C. Buildings and Grounds
15.C.1. Update on Facilities Plan
15.C.2. Ten Year Life Safety Items
15.C.3. Infrastructure Grant for Giles - $175,000
15.C.4. State Maintenance Matching Grant - $50,000
15.C.5. Buildings and Grounds Seasonal Position
15.D. District Safety Plans
15.D.1. Norridge Police Department Support
15.D.2. Interquest Services
15.D.3. Policy 8:30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
15.D.4. Threat Assessment Team
15.E. District Grants
15.E.1. Preschool for All Grant
15.E.2. Norridge Park District Enrichment Program - Fall Classes
15.E.3. West Connect Community Partnership Grant
15.F. Follow-up and Future
15.F.1. Field Trips
15.F.2. School Improvement Plans and Data Presentation in October
15.G. Legislative Information
16. Consent Agenda
16.A. Consider approval of Board minutes
16.A.1. July 18, 2023 Closed Session Minutes
16.A.2. August 15, 2023 Finance Committee Minutes
16.A.3. August 15, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
16.B. Consider approval to create bid package for door alarm locks and gateways for district classrooms (Bond Funded)
16.C. Consider approval of Contract with PediaStaffing for District Physical Therapist
16.D. Consider approval of Burglar Alarm Monitoring with Lux Security Systems
16.E. Consider approval of Fire Alarm Monitoring Contract with Fox Valley Fire and Safety
16.F. Consider acceptance of $4,500 in landscaping donation from Perricone Brothers Landscaping, INC.
16.G. Consider approval of payment of monthly bills (listing of bills $3000,00 and over)
17. Action Items
17.A. Consider motion to approve the Norridge School District 80 FY 24 Budget
17.B. Consider motion to approve the Resolution for Loan from Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund for $1,750,000.
18. Board Comments
19. Closed Session
Consider motion to adjourn to closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters related to individual students (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10), collective negotiating batters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(3), and review of closed session minutes (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(14). |
20. Action Item
20.A. Consider motion to approve Building Rental Application and Procedures
21. Personnel Action Items
21.A. Employment
21.A.1. Consider approval of Cristina Krueger, 7th and 8th grade Writing Teacher
21.A.2. Consider approval of Tim Rogers, 5th and 6th grade Physical Education Teacher
21.A.3. Consider approval of Andrea Garcia Gomez, Administrative Assistant Giles School
21.B. Resignations
21.B.1. Consider acceptance of the resignation of Elizabeth Horan, Giles School 8th grade ELA Teacher
21.B.2. Consider acceptance of the resignation of Brian VanDuser, Giles School 5th and 6th grade Physical Education Teacher
21.B.3. Consider acceptance of resignation of Afredita Dinaj, District Special Education Paraprofessional
21.B.4. Consider acceptance of resignation of Anna Lei, Special Education District Paraprofessional
21.C. Re-assignments
21.C.1. Consider re-assignment of Ellen Zywiciel from Giles School 7th and 8th grade Writing to 8th grade ELA
21.D. Other
21.D.1. Consider acceptance of Building and Grounds Seasonal Worker Job Description
22. Board Meeting Reflection
23. Adjournment