April 23, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order / Establish a Quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Student Introduction.
4. Audience Participation.
5. Superintendent's Report.
5.A. Superintendent Honor Roll.
5.A.1. Elementary School - Makenzi Nelson & Sarah Smith
5.A.2. Middle School -Kiana Swinfen & Parker Hoel
5.A.3. High School - Emily & Melanie Loftis
5.B. Staff Recognition.
5.B.1. Elementary School - Maren Pelzel
5.B.2. Middle School - Katie Beavers
5.B.3. High School - Katy Johnson
5.B.4. District - Carla Wade
5.C. 2018 TDA Farm Fresh Challenge - Child Nutrition Department
5.D. Board Recognition.
5.E. Monthly Financial Report.
5.E.1. GISD
5.E.2. GCSEC
5.F. Communications.
5.F.1. Enrollment Projections.
5.F.2. Capital Projects Update.
5.F.3. Strategic Plan Update.
5.F.4. Land Acquisitions Options
5.F.5. Legislative Update.
5.F.6. Upcoming Meetings / Events.
5.F.6.a. May 20th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.F.6.b. May 24th, Graduation, 7:00pm @ Propser
5.F.6.c. June 17th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.F.6.d. July 15th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.F.6.e. August 15th, Budget & Tax Hearing /Board Meeting. 6:00pm @ Admin
5.F.6.f. August 29th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
6. Board Member Report.
6.A. Announce Board Training Credit.
6.B. Training Opportunity - Texas A&M University-Commerce
6.C. 26th Annual Finance Conference.
6.D. TASB Summer Leadership Institute
7. Consent Agenda.
7.A. Minutes of previous meeting(s).
7.B. Previous Month Bills.
7.C. School Auditor for the 2018-2019 School Year.
8. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the following:
8.A. Review / Approve Instructional Material for ELAR (K-8) for the 2018 Proclamation.
8.B. Review / Approve Board Resolution Extending Depository Contract.
8.C. Review / Approve Grounds Maintenance Bids.
9. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001. et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit:
9.A. Section 551.072 - To Discuss Land
9.A.1. Deliberate the purchase, exchange or value of real property that is being negotiated with their parties.
9.B. Section 551.074 - To Discuss Personnel
9.B.1. Consider superintendent recommendations regarding employment and contract status on classroom teachers, diagnosticians, speech therapists and other non-administrative professional personnel for 2019-2020 School Year.
9.B.2. Consider superintendent recommendation regarding GISD Elementary Principal for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school year.
9.B.3. Resignations/Retirements.
9.B.4. New Hires/Positions.
9.C. Section 551.076 - To Discuss Security
10. Action, if any, on subjects Dicussed in Closed Session.
10.A. Land -
10.A.1. Consider and Act upon approval of Real Estate Agreement and to authorize the Superintendent to take all action necessary to effectuate the same.
10.B. Personnel -
10.B.1. Consider and Act on Superintendent recommendation regarding employment and contract status on classroom teachers, diagnosticians, speech therapists and non-administrative personnel for the 2019-2020 school year.
10.B.2. Consider and Act on Superintendent's recommendation regarding GISD Elementary Principal for the 2019-2020 ans 2020-2021 school years.
10.B.3. Consider and Act on Superintendent's recommendation regarding new hires for the 2019-2020 school year.
10.C. Safety - Discussion only
11. Adjournment.