October 16, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order/Establish Quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Student Introduction.
4. Audience Participation.
5. Superintendent's Report.
5.A. Student/Staff Recognition.
5.A.1. GISD Superintendent Honor Roll.
5.A.1.a. Elementary School - Kinlee Chalker & Brylee Rodges
5.A.1.b. Middle School - Mitchell Gage & Presley Pace
5.A.1.c. High School - Jacquelyn Galvan & Turner Kimball
5.A.2. GISD Staff Recognition
5.A.2.a. Elementary School - Amy Scott
5.A.2.b. Middle School - Debbie Murphy
5.A.2.c. High School - Tim Wylie
5.A.2.d. District - Mark Williams
5.A.3. National Merit Scholar Program Recognition - Brian Avendano & Kaylee Smith
5.A.4. Principal Appreciation Month.
5.B. Financial Report.
5.B.1. GISD Reports.
5.B.2. GCSEC Reports.
5.C. Communications.
5.C.1. Charles Brady-Tax Attorney to present annual report.
5.C.2. Enrollment Update.
5.C.3. Capital Projects Update.
5.C.4. Strategic Plan Update.
5.C.5. Meetings and Upcoming Event Dates -
5.C.5.a. October 26th, Fall Carnival
5.C.5.b. November 9th, Veterans Day Program @ GHS
5.C.5.c. November 15th, FIRST Hearing/Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.C.5.d. November 127th, Board Workshop, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.C.5.e. December 18th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.C.5.f. January 22nd, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.C.5.g. February 18th, Recognition/Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ GHS
6. Board Member Report.
6.A. Board Training Hours.
7. Consent Agenda Items.
7.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s).
7.B. Previous Month Bills.
7.C. Budget Amendment
8. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the following:
8.A. Review / Approve DEC (LOCAL) Revisions to Leave Policy.
8.B. Review / Approve Teacher Certification Utilizing District of Innovation.
9. Recess into Closed Session in Compliance with Section 551.001 et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit:
9.A. Section 551.072 - To Discuss Land
9.B. Section 551.074 - To Discuss Personnel
9.C. Section 551.076 - To Discuss Safety
10. Action, if any, on item Discussed in Closed Session.
11. Adjourn.