March 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order / Establish a Quorum.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Student Introduction.
4. Audience Participation.
5. Superintendent Report.
5.A. Recognition
5.A.1. Student Recognition - FFA
5.A.2. Staff Recognition - Jeannie Clarke (Innovation Honoree)
5.B. Monthly Financial Report.
5.B.1. GISD
5.B.2. GCSEC
5.B.3. Quarterly Investment Report.
5.C. Communications.
5.C.1. Enrollment Update.
5.C.2. Attendance Update.
5.C.3. Capital Projects Update.
5.C.4. Strategic Plan Updates.
5.C.5. Upcoming Events / Meetings.
5.C.5.a. April 5th, Safety Community Forum, 6:30pm @ HS
5.C.5.b. April 9th, GIFT Reception, 6:30pm @ HS
5.C.5.c. April 16th, Recognition/Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ HS
5.C.5.d. April 28th, FFA Auction, TBD @ HS
5.C.5.e. May 1st, Band Banquet, 6:00pm @ HS
5.C.5.f. May 7th, Academic Banquet, 6:00pm @ HS
5.C.5.g. May 8th, FFA Banquet, 6:00pm @ HS
5.C.5.h. May 14th, Spring Athletic Banquet, 6:00pm @ HS
5.C.5.i. May 17th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
5.C.5.j. May 20th, Baccalaureate, 6:00pm @ FBC
5.C.5.k. May 25th, Graduation, 7:00pm @ Prosper
5.C.5.l. June 21st, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ Admin
6. Board Member Report.
6.A. Board Training.
6.B. Discuss July Board Meeting date.
7. Consent Agenda.
7.A. Minutes from previous meeting(s).
7.B. Previous month bills.
7.C. Budget Amendments - none
7.D. Review / Approve Transfer Policy and Fee for 2018-2019.
7.E. Review / Approve Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2018-2019.
7.F. Review / Approve Policy Update 110, affecting (LOCAL) policies (see list below).
7.F.1. BBB(LOCAL) Board Members Elections
7.G. Review / Approve Statement of Impact Amendment from Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy.
8. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the following:
8.A. Review / Approve Order of Cancellation for the May 5, 2018 School Board Trustee Election.
8.B. Review / Approve 2018-2020 Campus Improvement Plans.
8.C. Review / Approve High School Auxiliary Gym and Locker Room Renovation Proposal.
8.D. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001.
8.D.1. Section 551.072 - Land
8.D.2. Section 551.074 - Personnel
8.D.2.a. Consider superintendent recommendations regarding employment and contract status of principals and other administrative personnel for 2018-2019 - 2019-2020.
8.D.2.b. New Hires / Positions -
8.D.2.b.1. Nurse (2017-18 and future)
8.D.2.b.2. Dual Credit Teacher (Spring 2018 Only)
8.D.2.b.3. Art Teacher
8.D.2.b.4. Art / Ag Teacher
8.D.2.b.5. Classroom Teacher / Football Coach (Offensive Line)
8.D.2.b.6. Classroom Teacher / Varsity Cheer Coach
8.D.2.b.7. Classroom Teacher / Boys Coach
8.D.2.b.8. GCSEC Diagnostician
8.D.2.b.9. GCSEC Diagnostician
8.D.2.c. Resignations/Retirements.
8.D.2.c.1. GISD
8.D.2.c.2. GCSEC
8.D.3. Section 551.076 - Security
8.E. Action, if Any, on Subject Discussed in Closed Session.
8.E.1. Superintendent recommendations regarding employment and contract status of principals and other administrative personnel for 2017-18 and 2018-2019.
8.E.2. Superintendent New Hire recommendations to complete the 2017-2018 school year.
8.E.3. Superintendent New Hire Recommendations for the 2018-2019 school year.
9. Adjournment.