January 21, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order / Establish a Quorum.
2. Invocation / Pledge.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Superintendent Report.
4.A. School Board Recognition.
4.B. Financial Report.
4.B.1. GISD
4.B.2. GCSEC
4.C. Enrollment Update.
4.D. Highly Qualified Report.
4.E. Academic Update.
4.F. Communications.
4.F.1. Upcoming Events / Meetings.
4.F.1.a. Tuesday, February 18th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.F.1.b. Thursday, March 20th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.F.1.c. Thursday, April 17th, GIFT Reception
4.F.1.d. Monday, April 21st, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.F.1.e. Monday, April 28th, FFA Banquet
4.F.1.f. Monday, May 12th, Athletic Banquet
4.F.1.g. Monday, May 19th, Academic Banquet
4.F.1.h. Tuesday, May 20th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
5. Board Member Report.
5.A. Update on Apartment Complex.
5.B. TASB 2012-2014 Advocacy Agenda.
6. Consent Agenda Items.
6.A. Minutes from previous meeting(s).
6.B. Previous month bills.
7. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the following:
7.A. Contracting with Grayson County for the May 2014 Election.
7.B. Joint Election Agreement with the City of Gunter for the May 10, 2014 Election.
7.C. Call the May 10, 2014 School Board Trustee General Election.
7.D. Call the May 10, 2014 School Board Trustee Special Election.
7.E. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC).
7.F. Life School Statement of Impact Amendment.
7.G. Depository Account Signature Changes.
7.H. Investment Account Signature Change.
7.H.1. First Public/LoneStar
7.H.2. Independent Bank Index Account.
7.I. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.074 to discuss personnel.
7.I.1. Annual Superintendent Evaluation and Contract.
7.I.2. Grayson County Special Education SSA Director Contract.
7.I.3. Resignations.
7.I.4. New Hire.
8. Adjournment.