July 15, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order / Establish a Quorum.
2. Invocation and Pledge.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Superintendent Report.
4.A. Monthly Financial Report.
4.B. Communications.
4.B.1. 2013-2014 Future Board Agenda
4.B.2. August 19th - District Convocation.
4.B.3. FFA Livestock Show Calendar for 2013-2014.
4.B.4. Upcoming Dates.
4.B.4.a. Tuesday, July 30th, Kerfoot Meeting, 5:30pm
4.B.4.b. Tuesday, July 30th, Budget Workshop, 6:00pm
4.B.4.c. Monday, August 12th, Budget & Tax Hearing, 5:30pm
4.B.4.d. Monday, August 12th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.B.4.e. Monday, August 19th, Convocation, 8-10am @ GHS
4.B.4.f. Monday, September 9th, Legislative Update Training in Whitewright, 5:30 Dinner, 6:30 Training
4.B.4.g. Monday, September 16th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.B.4.h. September 27-29, TASA/TASB at Dallas
5. Board Member Report.
5.A. Conflict of Interest Forms.
6. Consent Agenda Items.
6.A. Minutes of previous meeting(s).
6.B. Previous Month Bills.
7. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the Following:
7.A. Budget and Tax Rate Hearing-Monday, August 12, 2013, 5:30pm
7.B. Policy Update 97, affecting (LOCAL) policies.
7.B.1. CNA (LOCAL) Transportation Management-Student Transportation, DBAA (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions-Criminal History and Credit Reports, DPB (LOCAL) Personnel Positions- Substitutes, Temporary, and Part-Time Positions
7.C. Local Policy Contact Corrections - DIA Employee Welfare, FB Equal Educational Opportunity, FFH Student Welfare
7.D. 2013-2014 Student Handbook.
7.E. Closed session in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.074 and to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officer or employee.
7.E.1. Personnel.
7.E.2. Superintendent Formative Evaluation.
8. Adjournment.