June 15, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - President Peccola
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
4.1. Written Correspondence
4.2. Audience Input
5. Reports/Requests
5.1. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Robert Green
5.2. Financial Report - Mrs. Uta Robison
5.3. Special Education Report – Dr. Bambi Bethel
5.4. Budget Committee Update - Dr. Dennis Craft
5.5. Freedom of Information Requests
5.5.a. 4/20/15 Request from James Whitehead (Canon) for information on copiers, printers, etc. Complied 4/23/15.
5.5.b. 5/18/15 Request from Julie Bartsch for information on football office and storage closets at Collinsville High School. Complied 5/19/15.
5.5.c. 5/22/15 Request from Donne Schlesinger for information on complaints against Terry Van and Tom Blaha. Complied/responded 5/28/15.
5.5.d. 5/28/15 Request from Donne Schlessinger to re-send response on his 2/20/15 request and reiteration of request on complaints filed against Terry Van and Tom Blaha. Complied in part on 6/1/15 and responded on other part on 6/4/15.
5.5.e. 5/28/15 Request from Donne Schlessinger for complaints, disciplinary action, misconduct, etc on Tom Blaha and records on various issues pertaining to CHS coaches and teachers for the past 40 years. Responded 6/4/15.
5.5.f. 9/5/14 Request from Jamie Forsythe, BND, for settlement agreements. Complied with denied documents on 6/10/15.
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. Approval of May 18, 2015 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Board Bills for June 2015
8. Monthly Financial Statements for May 2015
9. Unfinished Business
9.1. Adoption of 2014-15 Amended Budget
10. New Business
10.1. Presentation of Board Policy Changes
10.2. Resolution for Adoption of Prevailing Wage Rates
10.3. Approval of Bid for Fencing at Collinsville High School
10.4. Recommendation for New Phone System for Dorris Intermediate School
10.5. Recommendation for New Server for District Network
10.6. Consider Resolution for Approval of Lease-Purchase of Chromebook Computers
10.7. Discussion of Staff Request for School Resource Officer at Dorris Intermediate School
10.8. Discussion of In View Video Production Proposal
11. Closed Session
12. Personnel
12.1. Rescind Re-Employment and Re-employ Cafeteria Monitor
12.2. Certified Employee Resignations
12.3. Resolution Authorizing Amended Notice to Remedy
12.4. Non-Certified Employees Recommendations for Re-Employment
12.5. Motion to Approve Extended Contract Days for Staff
12.6. Recommendations for Appointment of Behind-The-Wheels Driver Education Teachers at Collinsville High School
12.7. Certified Employees Recommendations for Employment
12.8. Non-Certified Employee Resignation
12.9. Recommendations for Activity Sponsors at Collinsville High School
12.10. Recommendation for Fall Coach at Collinsville High School
12.11. Changes in Job, Title and Months Worked
12.12. Recommendation for Technology & Human Resource Changes - Item Tabled
12.13. Non-Certified Employee Resignation
12.14. Non-Certified Recommendations for Employment
12.15. Recommendation for Early Retirement Incentive
12.16. Recommendation for Job Title Change
12.17. Recommendations for Coaches
12.18. Consider Approving an Addendum to the Superintendent's Current Employment Contract to Award Sick Leave Days
12.19. Coach Recommendations for Stipends
12.20. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
12.21. Recommendations for Spring Coaches at Collinsville High School
12.22. Non-Certified Recommendation for Employment
12.23. Motion to Post Positions
12.24. Non-Certified Employee Resignation
13. Adjourn