August 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Budget Workshop
Agenda |
1. Call public meeting to order
Mr. Fendley
2. Hear public comments from those signing in to address the board concerning an agenda item. Complaints against employees must be handled through the college complaint policy and cannot be heard in public.
Mr. Fendley
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Approval of Minutes June 24, 2024.
3.B. Consider and action on the Inter-local agreement between Paris Junior College District and the Independent School District relating to data sharing.
Dr. Mathews
3.C. Consideration and action to remove Mr. William Wooten as signatories on depository and Investment accounts (Alliance Bank, Guaranty Bank & Trust and, TexPoool).
Mrs. Craig
3.D. Consideration and action on increasing HESI A2 remote testing costs from $55.00 to $77.00 and HESI Mobility remote test from $65.00 to $87.00.
Dr. Benson
3.E. Consideration and action to increase the price of the ACT Workkeys test given by the PJC Testing Center.
4. Financial Report for July 31, 2024.
5. Budget Workshop
Dr. Anglin
6. Consideration and action to set proposed tax rate.
7. Consideration and action to approve Certified Tax Rolls.
8. The Board of Regents, in accordance with Section 551.07 et.seq. of the Texas Government Code will move into Executive Session under the following provision(s) of the Act:
A. Section 551.072 Personnel Matters - Personnel Matters, New Hires, resignations and retirements.
Dr. Anglin
9. Adjourn.