April 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call public meeting to order
Mr. Fendley
2. Hear public comments from those signing in to address the board concerning an agenda item. Complaints against employees must be handled through the college complaint policy and cannot be heard in public.
Mr. Fendley
3. Approval of minutes.
Mr. Fendley
4. Financial Report for March 31, 2023
Dr. Anglin
5. Recognize students receiving National and State Academic Honors
Dr. Anglin
6. Presentation from Pfluger Architects on progress of Workforce Training Facility for Greenville Center.
Mike Elmore and Pfluger Architects
7. Consideration and action to engage McClanahan Holmes, LLP to perform the 2022-2023 independent financial audit.
Dr. Anglin
8. Consideration and action on changes to the Structural Steel Welding Certificate, Pipe Welding Certificate and Welding Technology AAS, deletion of the Advanced Welding Shop Technology Certificate and addition of a Production Welding Certificate.
Dr. Erny
9. Select a date for a Board Workshop on credentials of value and the new funding model and the necessary changes to focus on building a Talent Strong Texas.
Mr. Fendley
10. Select a date for the Budget Workshop in July.
Mr. Fendley
11. President's Report
A. May Graduation and other May events B. Update on Airframe Mechanics Program C. Report on Pathways Institute D. Report on May Job Fair E. Legislative Update F. Report on Creative Writing Awards
Dr. Anglin
12. Announce next meeting on May 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
Mr. Fendley
13. The Board of Regents, in accordance with Section 551.07 et.seq. of the Texas Government Code will move into Executive Session under the following provision(s) of the Act:
A. 551.072 Deliberation of real property - Land for softball field and housing B. 551.074 Personnel Matters - New hires, resignations and retirements
Mr. Fendley
14. Action on acceptance of new hires, resignations, or retirements.
Mr. Fendley