August 7, 2024 at 9:00 AM - Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum
III. Public Comment
IV. Troy 30-C School District Tour
The Board of Education will use this time to visit all 7 Troy 30-C schools and departments throughout the school district boundaries. The schedule is as follows: District Office Boardroom 9:00 am Troy Middle School 9:15 am - 9:45 am Transportation 9:45 am - 10:00 am William B. Orenic Intermediate School 10:00 am - 10:30 am Hofer Elementary School 10:35 am - 11:05 am Cronin Elementary School 11:15 am - 12:15 am Craughwell Elementary School 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm Heritage Trail Elementary School 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm Shorewood Elementary School 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm District Office Boardroom 2:45 pm |
V. Closed Session
Open Meeting Act 5 ILCS 120/2 Sec. 2 (c) (1) (2) (8) (11) Move to enter into closed session to discuss personnel, collective negotiating matters, safety and security, and litigation. (Roll call vote) |
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Personnel [Policy 5:30]
VI.A.1. Appointment - Administration
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of this administrative appointment contingent on the verification of credentials as well as the completion of the required background check to the satisfaction of the District Administration. (Roll call vote) |
VI.A.1.a. Onsager, Brian - Dean of Students, WBO
VI.A.2. Appointments - Certified
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of these certified appointments contingent on the verification of credentials as well as the completion of the required background check to the satisfaction of the District Administration. (Roll call vote) |
VI.A.2.a. Souza, Holly - Instructional Coach, TMS
VI.A.2.b. Mueller, Julie - Social Worker, Craughwell
VI.A.2.c. Svec, Marzena - English Language Learners Teacher, TMS & WBO
VI.A.2.d. Xydakis, Nicholas - Social Studies Teacher, TMS
VI.A.2.e. Plascencia, Lilyanna - Special Education Teacher, WBO
VI.A.2.f. Wilkins, Elizabeth - Special Education Teacher, Heritage Trail & Craughwell
VI.A.3. Appointments - ESP
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of these ESP appointments contingent on the verification of credentials as well as the completion of the required background check to the satisfaction of the District Administration. (Roll call vote) |
VI.A.3.a. Hernandez, Delores - Lunch/Recess Supervisor, Part-Time, Cronin
VI.A.3.b. Clark, Jennifer - Crossing Guard, Part-Time, Hofer
VI.A.3.c. Kuehni, Sheila - Lunch/Recess Supervisor, Part-Time, Cronin
VI.A.3.d. Larsen, Heather - Lunch/Recess Supervisor, Part-Time, Cronin
VI.A.3.e. Forrest, Donald - Evening Custodian, Full-Time, Hofer
VI.A.3.f. Billings, Jessica - Lunch/Recess Supervisor, Part-Time, WBO
VI.A.3.g. Cano, Sabastian - Evening Custodian, Full-Time, WBO
VI.A.4. Appointment - Extracurricular
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of this extracurricular appointment contingent on the verification of credentials as well as the completion of the required background check to the satisfaction of the District Administration. (Roll call vote) |
VI.A.4.a. Kowalczyk, Beth - Junior Varsity Girls Soccer Coach
VI.A.5. Appointments - At-Will Substitute Employees
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of these at-will substitute employees contingent on the verification of credentials as well as the completion of the required background check to the satisfaction of the District Administration. (Roll call vote) |
VI.A.5.a. Hargrow, James - Bus Driver-Trainee, Training Program
VI.A.5.b. Tackebury, Michael - Bus Driver-Trainee, Training Program
VI.A.5.c. Bultman, Margaret - Substitute Technology Associate
VI.A.5.d. Pantoja, Antonio - Substitute Technology Associate
VI.A.6. Resignations
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of these resignations. (Roll call vote) |
VI.A.6.a. Pineda, Jake - Special Education Teacher, TMS (Effective 5/24/2024)
VI.A.6.b. Hernandez, Reyna - Bilingual Teacher, WBO (Effective 5/24/2024)
VI.B. Approval of Equipment Disposition
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of the disposition of this equipment. (Roll call vote)
VI.C. 2024-2025 Amended Student/Parent Handbook 1st & Final Reading
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of the 2024-2025 Amended Student/Parent Handbook as a 1st and final reading. (Roll call vote) |
VI.D. Possible Action to Approve Settlement Agreement with Former Administrator
Superintendent's Recommendation The Superintendent recommends the approval of this settlement agreement as presented. |
VII. Board of Education Discussion
VIII. Adjournment