February 14, 2022 at 12:00 PM - Board of Commissioners Meeting
Agenda |
1. Convene Meeting with opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and roll call
2. Recognize Guests
3. Open floor to members of the public, or of the Governing Body, for inquiries about a subject not listed on the Agenda. Speakers shall limit their remarks to three (3) minutes or less. Specific factual information, or existing policy, may be stated in response to an inquiry. Any Deliberation or decision about the subject of the inquiry shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the Agenda for a subsequent Meeting
4. Minutes of prior meeting(s) not previously approved
5. Expense Account(s) for Reimbursement
6. Bills for Payment (Includes item(s) above, if any, and supplements at the table)
6.A. Payment(s) that exceed $15,000
6.B. Accounts Payable - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board meeting
6.C. Payroll - Beginning check number, ending check number and total dollars issued since last Board Meeting
7. Monthly Investment Report for January 2022
8. Investment Policy
8.A. Adopt Investment Policy
8.B. Appointment of Investment Officer
9. Unaudited General Fund Operating Statement for the First Quarter of the Fiscal Year 2021/2022
10. Consider Adopting Call Out Compensation Policy
10.A. First reading of Call Out Compensation Policy
11. Consider Adopting Revised Holiday Compensation Policy
11.A. First reading of Revised Holiday Compensation Policy
11.B. Waive second reading of Revised Holiday Compensation Policy
12. Request Permission to Advertise for Repairs due to Hurricane Laura
12.A. 1109 S. Border Street Building "A" interior offices
12.B. 1109 S. Border Street Building "C" interior offices
12.C. 1227 Pier Road
13. Replace Roof at 905 Pier Road, Building B
13.A. Change Order #1 - Change in method of attachment from fully adhered to mechanically fastened deck system. This will not affect the estimated time of completion.
14. Overhead Door Replacement Project Update
15. May 7, 2022 Commissioner Election for Pct 1, Pct 4, At-Large
15.A. Notice of Election
16. Marketing Report
17. Port Travel
17.A. For Port Director and any Commissioner to travel to Galveston, Texas four (4) days in May to attend the Gulf Ports Association (GPA) Spring Meeting. Travel will be by private vehicle.
18. CLOSED MEETING for Private consultation with an attorney for the Governmental Body, under §551.071 of the Act. The consultation may either be in person or, as authorized by §551.129(a) of the Act, by telephone conference call, video conference call, or communications over the internet. If any part of the consultation is in an open meeting of the Governmental Body and is therefore a public consultation, each part of the public consultation must be audible to the public at the location specified in the notice of the meeting as the location of the meeting. The consultation is regarding, but not limited to, the following matter(s):
18.A. TMY Barge Dock Facility Issues
18.B. Pier 10
18.C. Army Corps of Engineers Hickory Cove Real Estate
18.D. Marathon Oil
18.D.1) Agreement to Extend Environmental Assessment and Remediation License
19. CLOSED MEETING to Deliberate the purchase, exchange, leases, or value of real property, under § 551.072 of the Act, regarding the following matter(s):
19.A. Discuss Status of Potential Acquisition of Real Property in Navigation District
19.B. Economic Development Pursuant to Gov't Code Sec. 551.087
19.B.1) Sabine to Galveston Coastal Spine Levee
19.C. Border Street Complex
19.C.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
19.D. Georgia Street
19.D.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
19.D.2) Sienna Shipyards, LLC - 615 W. Georgia Street - Lease - Approve/Ratify
19.E. Childers Road
19.E.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
19.F. Alabama Street
19.F.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
19.F.2) Wilson Warehouse Company of Texas - 1006 Alabama Street - Warehouse 6 Lease - Approve/Ratify
19.F.3) Freepoint Eco-Systems LLC - Letter of Intent - Warehouse 6 and Expansion Property - Ratify
19.F.4) Freepoint Eco-Systems LLC - 1006 Alabama Street Warehouse 4 - Approve/Ratify
19.G. Dravo
19.G.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
19.H. Pier Rd
19.H.1) Possible tenant lease(s)
19.H.2) W & O Supply - 1095 Pier Road - Lease - Approve/Ratify
19.H.3) Triple P Marine Engine Services - 1099 Pier Rd - Lease Addendum - Approve/Ratify
20. Return to Open Meeting
21. Set date, time and place of any presently anticipated Special Meeting to be held prior to the next Regular Meeting
22. Specify changes to the date, time and/or place of one or more particular Regular Meeting(s) if any of such factors are presently anticipated to be changed from standard Board Policy
22.A. March 14, 2022
23. Adjourn Meeting