May 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM - 3rd Monday
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby___; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ |
3. Public Input, Staff Input, Board Input
4. Reports of Board Committees
4.A. Finance Committee
Treasurer’s Report - April 30, 2022
Beginning checking balance of $12,826,884.61 Revenue of $1,428,443.55 Payroll and Benefits $1,166,755.08 Total Expenditures of $1,552,146.28 Checking balance end of month $12,703,181.88 Savings and investments end of month $1,181,959.53 Total cash balance end of month $13,885,141.41 Total outstanding liabilities end of month ($2,977.67) Total unencumbered fund balance end of month $13,882,163.74 Vocational Account Vocational fund beginning balance of $376,417.39 Revenue of $13,863.46 Expenditures of $4,830.32 Balance end of month $385,450.53 Activity Funds Activity fund beginning balance of $378,904.91 Revenue of $23,763.71 Expenditures of $31,852.36 Balance end of month $370,816.26 Financial Reports - Payroll, Bills, & P-Card Payroll for May 10, 2022 was in an amount of $371,033.55, which included $15,953.14 above contracted amounts. Bills were reviewed in an amount of $975,510.10 plus the wire transfer of $446,884.37 for a total of $1,422,394.47. The monthly total for the P-Card statement was $27,969.42. (this includes March and April’s statements). |
4.B. Building and Grounds Report
5. Administrative Reports
5.A. Superintendent's Report
Mrs. Andrews will present her report to the Board.
5.B. Principal's Report
Mr. Fatheree will present his report to the Board.
6. Consent Agenda Action Items
"The Consent Agenda items for approval are as follows:"
6.A. Resignations/ Retirement
Recommendation is to approve the resignation of Student Council Co-Advisor Sarah Watts.
Recommendation is to approve the resignation of Softball Assistant Coach Hailey Mooney. Recommendation is to approve the resignation of Softball Assistant Coach Brandon Childers. Recommendation is to approve the resignation of Softball Coach Jason Irwin. Recommendation is to approve the resignation of Paraprofessional Caleb Carter. Recommendation is to approve the resignation of National Honor Society sponsor Raquel Maxey. Recommendation is to approve the resignation of Science Teacher Nicole Langan. |
6.B. Minutes: Regular Open Board Minutes, April 25, 2022
Recommendation is to approve the Regular Open Board Minutes for April 25, 2022.
6.C. Minutes: Closed Board Minutes, April 25, 2022
Recommendation is to approve the Closed Board Minutes for April 25, 2022.
6.D. Trips
Recommendation is to approve the Drama Club's end of the year field trip to St. Louis, Missouri from 6/17/2022 through 6/18/2022.
Recommendation is to approve the FFA field trip to Springfield, Illinois from 6/14/2022 through 6/16/2022 for an FFA Convention. |
6.E. Treasurer's Report FY22
Recommendation is to approve the FY22 Treasurer's Report as reviewed by the finance committee.
6.F. Financial Reports and Bills May 2022
Action on this item approves the financial report, bills, and payroll as reviewed by the finance committee.
"Does any Board Member wish to remove any of the Consent Agenda Items?" "Is there any discussion regarding consent agenda items presented for approval?" Recommendation is to approve the consent agenda items as presented. May I have a motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items? Motion was made by ___ and seconded by ___ to approve the consent agenda items as presented. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby___; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved___ Disapproved___ Abstained___ Absent___ MOTION: CARRIED___ FAILED___ |
6.G. ISBE Discipline Plan
Recommendation is to approve the ISBE Discipline Plan.
7. Action Items
7.A. Resolution to abate dollars to building fund
Recommendation is to approve the abatement of $300,000.00 dollars from working cash into the building fund.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by____ to approve the abatement of $300,000.00 dollars from working cash into the building fund. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED___ FAILED___ |
7.B. Tentative Amended Budget 2022 and Notice of Public Hearing
Recommendation is to approve the tentative amended budget 2022 to be placed on public display for the next 30 days and a notice of public hearing for adoption of the 2022 amended budget on June 20th, 2022.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by____ to approve the tentative amended budget 2022 to be placed on public display for the next 30 days and a notice of public hearing for adoption of the 2022 amended budget on June 20th, 2022. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED___ FAILED___ |
7.C. Franklin/Jefferson Special Education Cooperative Alternative Member Representative
Recommendation is to approve Steve Shifflett as an alternative member representative to the Franklin/Jefferson Special Education Cooperative.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by ____ to approve Steve Shifflett as an alternative member representative to the Franklin/Jefferson Special Education Cooperative. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED ____ |
7.D. Food Service Proposals
Recommendation to authorize the request for proposals for food service products, dairy, bakery and pizza for the 2022-2023 school year as presented.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by ____ to authorize the request for proposals for food service products, dairy, bakery and pizza for the 2022-2023 school year as presented. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
7.E. Consolidated District Plan
Recommendation is to approve the Consolidated District Plan as presented.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by____ to approve the Consolidated District Plan as presented. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby___; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
7.F. Authorization to Seek Bids for Sale of Portions of Original Campus Property
Recommendation is to authorize the Superintendent to seek Property Sale Bids for portions of the old campus.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by ____ to authorize the Superintendent to seek Property Sale Bids for portions of the old campus. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
7.G. Professional Services Proposal
Recommendation to approve the professional services proposal with Round Table Design for Design and Bid phase services for the Turf Room and second floor of H Building HVAC Projects.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by ____ to approve the professional services proposal with Round Table Design for Design and Bid phase services for the Turf Room and second floor of H Building HVAC Projects. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
7.H. Approve Band Uniform Bid
Recommendation to approve the band uniform bid in the amount of $67,214.90 with DeMoulin Brothers and Company.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by ____ to approve the band uniform bid in the amount of $67,214.90 with DeMoulin Brothers and Company. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
7.I. Summer Food Service Personnel Recommendation
Recommendation to approve the Summer Food Service personnel as presented starting from May 31, 2022, to June 24, 2022.
May I have a motion for approval? Motion was made by ____ and seconded by ____ to approve the Summer Food Service personnel as presented starting from May 31, 2022, to June 24, 2022. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby____; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
8. Executive Closed Session
Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)
May I have a motion to enter closed session?
Motion was made by ____ and seconded by_____to approve moving into executive closed session at _____ p.m. in accordance with school board policy 2:220 - E2 items: Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ Motion was made by ____ and seconded by_____ to approve entering open session at __p.m. Asbery___; Ashby___; Greathouse___; Hemby___; Kassner___; Knowles___; Flanigan____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Abstained ___ Absent ___ MOTION: CARRIED _____ FAILED _____ |
9. Adjournment
May I have a motion for approval?
Motion was made by ____ and seconded by_______ to approve adjourning the meeting at __p.m. All in favor say Aye! |