February 9, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
B.1. Student Discipline Appeal Hearing, Level III (TGC 55.082)
B.2. Discussion of Personnel Recommendations (TGC 551.074)
B.2.a. Resignations and/or Terminations, Employment of Professional Personnel, and Administrative Assignments or Reassignments, Extension of Administrative Term Contracts.
B.2.b. Discussion of all material items regarding the Superintendent's Contract.
B.2.c. Superintendent's Evaluation
B.3. Discussion of Land Acquisition (TGC 551.072)
C.1. Pledge of Allegiance
C.2. Presentations
C.2.a. District Chess Championship Awards
C.2.b. Golden Apple Awards:
C.2.b.1. Greg Veal, Assistant Superintendent of Technology, was awarded the Technology Lifetime Achievement Award from the Technology Computer Education Association (TCEA). In addition, the LISD Technology team was notified that they are the Texas state finalist for the national technology team for the Consortium for School Networking (COSN).
C.2.b.2. Christina Kiefer, Wanda Echevarria, and Claudia Garcia, Counselors at Central Elementary School, were awarded the 2008 CREST Award for counseling excellence.
C.2.b.3. Paul Siddall, received the "Above and Beyond" award from theTexas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO).
C.2.c. Recognition of the Board of Trustees by Rockbrook Elementary Administrators and Staff.
C.2.d. Debbie France, Community Relations Manager, from Barnes and Noble will present a check for $4,590.83 to Marilyn Beaird, Library Services Supervisor, for LISD libraries.
C.2.e. Recognizing LISD's monetary contributions to the Lewisville Education Foundation and to the Southern Denton County Neighbor to Neighbor.
C.2.f. Proclamation proclaiming the week of February 8-14, 2009 as Career and Technical Education Week.
C.3. Consider Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
C.3.a. Student Discipline Appeal Hearing, Level III
C.3.b. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
C.3.b.1. Resignations and/or Terminations
C.3.b.2. Employment of Professional Personnel and/or Administrative Assignments or Reassignments.
C.3.b.2.a. New Hires
C.3.b.3. Extension of Administrative Term Contracts
C.3.c. Land Acquisition
C.4. Superintendent's Report
C.4.a. Board Reports February 2009 (under separate cover)
C.4.a.1. Board Review
C.4.a.2. '99 Budget Information Items
C.4.a.3. Test for 85% Rule based on Program Intent
C.4.a.4. Administrative Cost
C.4.a.5. Instructional Cost NCES
C.4.a.6. Tax Receivables
C.4.a.7. Tax Report
C.4.a.8. Target Revenue
C.4.a.9. Estimated Fund Balance
C.4.a.10. General Fund
C.4.a.11. Government Fund
C.4.a.12. Government Fund Variances
C.4.a.13. Food Services Fund
C.4.a.14. Food Services Fund Variances
C.4.b. Construction Report
C.4.c. Facility Services Report
C.4.d. Technology Update
C.5. Open Forum
C.5.a. Persons desiring to address the Board of Trustees must fill out a speaker's card prior to the meeting. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. The Board cannot deliberate on any subject that is not included on the agenda.
C.6.a.1. Consider adoption of an Order calling a Trustee Election for May 9, 2009.
C.6.a.2. Consider adoption of Notice of Election for Early Voting and Election Day, May 9, 2009.
C.6.a.3. Consider approval of Joint Election Agreements for May 9, 2009 Trustee Election (under separate cover).
C.6.a.4. Consider adoption of Interlocal Agreement between LISD and the County of Denton, Texas for the rental of voting machines, equipment, and the purchase of voting supplies (under separate cover).
C.6.a.5. Consider approval of all legal policies and adoption of all local policies as recommended in TASB Update 84 with the exception of EEH (Local) Instructional Arrangements Homebound Instruction.
C.6.a.6. Consider adoption of new local board policy:
C.6.a.6.a. EKB (Local) Testing Programs: State Assessment
C.6.a.7. Consider adoption of revisions to the following local board policies:
C.6.a.7.a. CI (Local) School Properties Disposal
C.6.a.7.b. CV (Local) Facilities Construction
C.6.a.7.c. FNAA (Local) Student Distribution of Non-School Literature
C.6.a.7.d. FNAB (Local) Student Use of School Facilities for Non-School Purposes
C.6.a.7.e. GKD (Local) Non-School Use of School Facilities
C.6.a.7.f. GKDA (Local) Distribution of Non-School Literature
C.6.a.8. Annual Compliance Report-Board Member Continuing Education
C.6.a.8.a. In compliance with TAC 61.61 and TEC 11.159, notification is hereby given that all LISD board members have fulfilled their continuing education requirements for the year of 2008.
C.6.a.8.b. Board Members and Superintendent completed Team Building and Needs Assessment Training on November 15, 2008.
C.6.a.9. Naming of Facilities (committee recommendations attached).
C.6.a.10. Consider approval of 2009 Summer Work Schedule
C.6.b.1. Consider approval to align LISD's High School Allotment goals with District Improvement Plan goals.
C.7.a.1. Approval of Minutes
C.7.a.1.a. Regular Monthly Meeting, January 12, 2009
C.7.b.1. Consider approval of the Monthly Investment Report, January 31, 2009
C.7.c.1. Consider adoption of the following Interlocal Agreements, Resolutions, Contracts or Agreements:
C.7.c.1.a. Interlocal Agreement with the City of The Colony
C.7.c.1.b. Resolution for Authorization to Sign Contracts
C.7.c.1.c. Contract to SHW Group for Lewisville High School 9th and 10th Grade Center
C.7.c.1.d. Agreement with Communities in Schools of North Texas for Hedrick Middle School
C.7.c.2. Consider approval of recommendations for the following Bids, Quotes, Proposals, and/or Renewals:
C.7.c.2.a. CSP #1695-05 Office Furniture
C.7.c.2.b. CSP #1696-05 School Furniture
C.7.c.2.c. CSP #1783-06 Grounds, Chemicals, and Ant Control
C.7.c.2.d. CSP #1786-06 Building Materials and Supplies
C.7.c.2.e. CSP #2016-09 Email Archive Solution
C.7.c.2.f. CSP #2020-09 GMP for Agricultural Barn
C.7.c.2.g. CSP #2021-09 Student Notebooks
C.7.c.2.h. CSP #2025-09 GMP for Mechanical upgrades at Marcus High School, The Colony High School, Lamar Middle School, and Garden Ridge Elementary School.
C.7.c.2.i. CSP #2026-09 GMP for Marcus 9th Grade Center Baseball Field, Track, and Underground Utilities
C.7.c.2.j. Renewal of On-Line Lunch Payment Process
C.7.c.2.k. Hardware and Equipment for Microsoft Migration
C.7.c.2.l. Staff Development - Coaching for Results
C.7.c.2.m. Project Read
C.8. Adjournment