June 12, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
B.1. Student Expulsion Appeal Hearing 6:30pm (TGC 551.082)
B.2. Discussion of Personnel Recommendations (TGC 551.074)
B.2.a. Resignations and/or Terminations, Employment of Professional Personnel, and Administrative Assignments or Reassignments
B.3. Discussion of Land Acquisition (TGC 551.072)
C.1. Pledge of Allegiance
C.2. Approval of Minutes
C.2.a. Regular Board Meeting, May 8, 2006
C.2.b. Special Board Meeting, May 12, 2006
C.2.c. Special Board Meeting, May 24, 2006
C.3. Presentations
C.3.a. Golden Apple Award will be presented to Mr. Scott Feuille, Manager of The Home Depot in The Colony, and the Lewisville-Flower Mound Jaycees for their recent $20,560 donation for playground equipment at Ethridge Elementary School. In addition to this generous contribution, Mr. Feuille and the Jaycees have also donated over $60,000 to LISD for previous projects and scholarships.
C.4. Consider action on items discussed in Closed Session
C.4.a. Student Expulsion Appeal Hearing
C.4.b. Approval of Personnel Recommendations
C.4.b.1. Resignations and/or Terminations
C.4.b.2. Employment of Professional Personnel and/or Administrative Assignments or Reassignments.
C.4.b.2.a. New Hires
C.4.b.2.b. Assistant Principal, Creek Valley Middle School
C.4.b.2.c. Assistant Principal, Huffines Middle School
C.4.b.2.d. Assistant Principal, McAuliffe and Stewart's Creek Elementary Schools
C.4.c. Consider action on Land Acquisition
C.5. Superintendent's Report
C.5.a. Board Reports June 2006 (under separate cover)
C.5.b. Construction Report (under separate cover)
C.6. Open Forum
C.6.a. Persons desiring to address the Board of Trustees must fill out a speaker's card prior to the meeting. No presentation shall exceed three minutes. The Board cannot deliberate on any subject that is not included on the agenda.
C.7.a. Board/Superintendent
C.7.a.1. Declaration of Board Committee Appointments for the 2006-2007 school year.
C.7.a.2. Consider appointment of Delegate and Alternate to 2006 TASB Delegate Assembly
C.7.a.3. Middle School #15
C.7.a.4. Candidacy endorsement for TASB Board of Directors (under separate cover).
C.7.a.5. Consider approval of date change for July 2006 Regular Board Meeting.
C.7.b. Finance
C.7.b.1. Consider approval of Monthly Investment Report 5-31-06.
C.7.b.2. Consider approval of '66 Budget Amendments #3 and #4.
C.7.c. Instruction
C.7.c.1. Task Force recommendations for secondary schools.
C.7.c.2. Consider approval of Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between LISD and Denton County JJAEP.
C.7.c.3. Consider adoption of 2006-07 Administrator Appraisal Calendar.
C.7.c.4. Consider adoption of 2006-07 Teacher Appraisal Calendar.
C.7.d. Purchasing
C.7.d.1. Consider approval of recommendations for the following Bids, Quotes, Proposals and/or Renewals:
C.7.d.1.a. CSP #1635-04 Renewal of Special Education Supplies
C.7.d.1.b. CSP #1717-05 Renewal of Band Uniforms
C.7.d.1.c. CSP #1720-05 Renewal of Printing Student Planners
C.7.d.1.d. CSP #1725-05 Renewal of EPCNT Copier Paper
C.7.d.1.e. CSP #1798-06 Electric Services
C.7.d.1.f. BID #1805-06 Athletic Training Supplies
C.7.d.1.g. CSP #1812-06 HVAC Supplies
C.7.d.1.h. CSP #1813-06 Warehouse Paper
C.7.d.1.i. Automatic Walk Behind Scrubbers
C.7.d.1.j. Computer Systems Upgrade
C.7.d.1.k. Contract to Estes, McClure & Associates, Inc.
C.7.d.1.l. Contract to SHW Group - Lakeland Elementary School
C.7.d.1.m. Donation for Playground Equipment at Wellington Elementary School
C.7.d.1.n. Instructional Reading Materials
C.7.d.1.o. Internal Auditor
C.7.d.1.p. Library Books
C.7.d.1.q. District Software Licenses
C.7.d.1.r. Storage Area Network Array Expansion
C.7.e. Construction
C.7.e.1. No items this month.
C.8. Adjournment