January 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call of meeting to order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and to the Texas Flag.
3. Moment of silence.
4. Roll Call:
4.A. Rupert Canales, Jr., President
4.B. Rene Valerio, Vice-President
4.C. Christine A. Santos, Secretary
4.D. Carlos Espinosa, Member
4.E. Pete Guerra, Member
4.F. Ralph Saenz, III., Member
4.G. Libby Vela, Member
5. Establish a Quorum
6. Recognition of Students.
7. Board Appreciation.
8. Public forum
Members of the audience will be given the opportunity to make presentations to the Board. No presentation shall be longer than five minutes. If needed, a closed meeting under Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.082 will take place to discuss and/or deliberate on employee complaints or student discipline issues.
9. Approval of Minutes
9.A. Action Item:
9.A.1. Consideration and possible approval of Special Meeting of December 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
10. Information Items:
10.A. Tax Collector's Report
10.B. Cafeteria Report
10.C. Bills paid
10.D. Income and Expense Comparison reports
10.E. CD's Now Account and Investments
10.F. TEA payment report
10.G. Schedule of construction costs
10.H. Telebank transfers
10.I. High School settlement money
10.J. Current funding projects
10.K. Status report on New Bernarda Jaime Jr. High School by Mr. Albert Soto of LaMarr Womack, Architects.
10.L. Aramark Report
10.M. Bus driver of the year through PCAT.
10.N. Information regarding Policy EIC survey.
10.O. El Plan De San Diego
10.P. Announcement of Board Training hours.
10.Q. Request to use facilities by Sheriff Department.
10.R. Campus Benchmark Reports.
10.S. Information and discussion on San Diego H.S. parking requirements.
10.T. Information and discussion of transportation site and unused vehicles.
10.U. Use of High School Facilities by Sheriff's Department for training exercises.
11. Action Items
11.A. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments for the 2014-2015 school year, if any.
11.B. Consideration and possible action to add early graduates section to EIC local policy as presented.
11.C. Consideration and possible approval to go out for a Request for Proposal on High School Athletic Complex parking lot paving.
11.D. Consideration and possible approval to go out for a Request for Proposal on a camera and security system for the Collins Parr Elementary and High School.
11.E. Consideration and possible approval to go out for Request for Proposals on a two way District Radio System.
11.F. Consideration and possible approval to require all students that attend San Diego H. S. to use the school parking lot during school hours.
12. Legal
Closed meeting: Texas Government Code 551.071 to receive information from Attorney regarding any pending or contemplated litigation, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality, Section 551.072 to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property and Section 551.074 to deliberate the employment, evaluation, re-assignment, compensation, duties, discipline, or dismissal of an employee.
Action on items discussed in closed session will be taken when board reconvenes to open session. |
12.A. Personnel
12.A.1. Announce resignations and retirements, if any.
12.A.2. Update on personnel hired by Dr. Sam Bueno, Superintendent of Schools.
12.A.3. Consideration and possible approval of early retirement incentive.
12.A.4. Discussion and tabulation of Superintendent Evaluation.
12.A.5. Consideration and possible approval of Superintendent Contract.
12.B. Tax Resale Property
12.B.1. NONE
13. Announcements:
13.A. Budget Workshop- February 25, 2015 @ 5:30.
14. Adjourn: