January 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Oath of Office
Mr. Cain will conduct the ceremonial Oath of Office for newly appointed Board Trustee, Mr. Kenn Davis |
III. Roll Call
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Unfinished Business
VI. Citizens
VI.A. Board Recognition
Middle School & Elementary buildings will be recognizing the Board for Board Appreciation Month. |
VI.B. You Rock Awards
Award winners for December will be recognized. |
VI.C. Citizen Comments
Anyone wishing to address the Board may do so at this time. |
VII. Additions to the Agenda
VIII. Communications
Three email communications to Mr. Cain and the Board are posted for Board acceptance. |
IX. Committee Reports
None |
X. Consent Grouping
X.A. Approval of Minutes
December 14, 2011 Minutes are posted. Minutes from the January 11, 2012 Informational Meeting & the January 12, 2012 Special Meeting will be posted by Wednesday, January 18. RECOMMENDED MOTION - That the Board of Education approves the minutes from the December 14, 2011 Informational/Regular Meeting, the January 11, 2012 Informational Meeting and the January 12, 2012 Special Meeting, as presented. |
X.B. Business
X.B.1. Financial Reports
X.B.2. Bills
X.B.2.a. Monthly General Fund Bills
RECOMMENDED MOTION – That the Board of Education approves the payment of bills dated January 19, 2012 from the General Fund, as presented per Exhibit A, January 19, 2012. Ck.#56786 through Ck.#56906 in the amount of $553,480.28 and electronic transfer in the amount of $228,284.73. Monthly expenditures in the amount of $781,765.01 (excluding payrolls). |
X.B.2.b. 2007 Capital Projects Fund Bills
RECOMMENDED MOTION – That the Board of Education approves the payment of bills dated January 19, 2012 from the 2007 Capital Projects Fund, as presented per Exhibit B, January 19, 2012. Ck.#1448 through Ck.#1451 in the amount of $73,864.39. Monthly expenditures in the amount of $73,864.39. |
X.B.3. Requisitions
X.B.3.a. MHS New Library Books Bid
RECOMMENDED MOTION - That the Board of Education accepts the bid of Mackin Educational Resources for the purchase of library books and meda for an amount not to exceed $111,000.00, as presented per Exhibit C, January 19, 2012. |
X.C. Instruction
X.C.1. Reproductive Health Curriculum Changes
1990 & 2011 5th Grade Curriculum information are posted when you first open up Board Book - or - Quick View. RECOMMENDED MOTION - That the Board of Education approves the changes to the District's Reproductive Health Curriculum, as presented per Exhibit D, January 19, 2012. |
X.C.2. All Day Kindergarten
Approving this will allow administration to continue planning for these programs for the 2012-13 school year. RECOMMENDED MOTION - That the Board of Education directs Administration to continue planning for an All Day/Every Day Kindergarten Program, Young 5's Program and possible Pre-School Program, as requested. |
X.D. Personnel
None |
X.E. Miscellaneous
X.E.1. Resolution Setting Matters to be Voted Upon
RECOMMENDED MOTION - That the Board of Education adopts the Resolution Setting Matters to be Voted Upon, as presented per Exhibit E, January 19, 2012. |
XI. Approval of Consent Grouping
RECOMMENDED MOTION Moved by _____________, supported by _____________, that the Board of Education accepts the consent grouping A - E as presented. Ayes: Nays: |
XII. Action Items
None |
XIII. Discussion
XIII.A. 2007 Capital Projects - Additional Projects
As requested, attached is a revised listing of Potential 2007 Capital Projects Fund improvements. A line or two has been added under each project to provide additional detail. In addition, I have added a column for Recommended Projects and whether or not the project needs Consultants (Engineer or CM-Construction Manager). Administration is requesting Board endorsement to proceed with projects marked 1/16, which total $261,350. All of these projects were either value-engineered out of the original scope due to budget constraints or are a result of a new condition (i.e., soundproofing, Kindergarten all-day). |
XIV. Closed Session - Negotiations
RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Moved by _____________, supported by _____________, that the meeting adjourns to closed session for the purpose of negotiations, at _____pm. Ayes: Nays: Moved by _____________, supported by _____________, that the meeting reconvenes to regular session at _____ pm. Ayes: Nays: |
XV. Adjournment
RECOMMENDED MOTION Moved by ______________, supported by ______________, that the meeting adjourns at _____pm. |