July 5, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Session
Agenda |
I. Executive Session - 6:00 PM
I.1. Collective Bargaining - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)2(A)
I.2. Pending litigation - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)2(B)
I.3. Receive information about perspective employees - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)5
I.4. Job performance evaluations of individual employees - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(9)
II. Call to Order - Regular Session - 7:00 PM
III. Roll Call
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Approval of Amended Agenda
VI. Recognitions
VI.1. Emma Boone - Corydon Central High School - Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) - National First Place Finish - Personal Care
VI.2. Noah Junga - South Central High School - SkillsUSA - National Second Place Finish - CNC Technician/Precision Machining
VII. Presentations
VIII. Public Address to the Board
Limited to approximately fifteen (15) minutes as administered by President of the Board.
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.1. Approval of Board Minutes - Executive and Regular Sessions - June 7, 2022
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.2. Approval of Claim Docket
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3. Personnel
IX.3.a. Corporation
IX.3.a.1) Gregory Carver - Transportation Assistant
recommendation to approve resignation
IX.3.a.2) Katherine Draper - RN/Health Services Coordinator
recommendation to accept resignation
IX.3.a.3) Kristan Cantrell - RN/Health Services Coordinator
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.a.4) Tracey Rosenbarger - Bus Driver
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.a.5) Tamara Beamer - Instructional Coach
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.a.6) Susan Eastridge - Instructional Coach
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.a.7) Susan Freiberger - Instructional Coach
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.a.8) Gerald Timberlake - Instructional Coach
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
IX.3.b.1) Jennifer Moore - School Psychologist
recommendation to approve continuance of 120 day contract for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.b.2) Holle Watt - Special Education Secretary
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.b.3) Jammie Mathes - Special Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.b.4) Melissa Mills - Extended School Year Nursing Support
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3.b.5) Special Education Instructional Assistant (Part Time - St. Joseph Catholic School)
recommendation for permission to create and post a part-time position to be paid through the American Rescue Plan grant for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.b.6) Roberta Richmer - Special Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated positon
IX.3.b.7) Cathy Stark - Special Education Secretary
recommendation to accept resignation
IX.3.b.8) Susan Turner - Instructional Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
IX.3.c. Corydon Central High School
IX.3.c.1) Cameron Smith - Basketball High School First Assistant Coach (B)
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.2) Peyton Camp - Soccer Head Coach (B)
recommendation to accept resignation
IX.3.c.3) Nathan Shehorn - Soccer Head Coach (B)
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.4) Nicholas Smythe - Volunteer Assistant Soccer Coach (B)
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.5) Nathaniel Smythe - Volunteer Assistant Soccer Coach (B)
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.6) Callie Hoehn - 1/2 Soccer Assistant Coach (G)
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.7) Jacob Yonkers - 1/2 Soccer Assistant Coach (G)
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.8) Alanna Fowler - Cheerleading Assistant Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.9) Alanna Fowler - Volunteer Assistant Cheerleading Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.10) James Ward - Wrestling Assistant Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.11) Frances Hanaver - Drama Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.12) Ryan Donahue - Band Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year and approve as a volunteer Band Assistant for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.13) Thomas Putterbaugh - Band Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year and approve as a volunteer Band Assistant for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.c.14) Gabrianna Jones - Volunteer Band Assistant
recommendation to approve volunteer for 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.3.d.1) Julia Clevens - Student Council, Junior High School
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.d.2) Christine Randolph - MTSS Coordinator 1/2
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.d.3) Payton Windell - Volleyball 7th Grade Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.d.4) Kaitlyn Wiseman - Volleyball 8th Grade Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.d.5) Kristin Drummond - Newspaper/Yearbook - Junior High School 1/2
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.d.6) Joby Turner - Activity Supervisor
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.e. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.3.e.1) Cameron Smith - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.e.2) Caitlin Ketterman - Special Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve transfer from part-time 5.5 hour position to full time 7.5 hour position and permission to post vacated part-time 5.5 hour position
IX.3.e.3) Bethany Brown - Basketball Elementary Coach (G)
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.e.4) Kimberly Humphrey - Cook
recommendation to accept resignation
IX.3.e.5) Angela Garretson - Cook
recommmendation to approve internal transfer to part-time 5 hour position and permission to post vacated part-time 4.5 hour position
IX.3.e.6) Special Education Instructional Assistant - Part Time
recommendation for permission to create and post a part-time position to be paid through the American Rescue Plan grant for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.f. Corydon Elementary School
IX.3.f.1) Stephanie Larsen - Special Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.f.2) Robert Ort - Physical Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.3.g.1) Brittany Bindner - Counselor
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
IX.3.h. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.3.i. South Central Elementary School
IX.3.i.1) Dianne Frakes - Cafeteria Manager
recommendation to accept resignation for retirement purposes and permission to post vacated position
IX.3.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.3.j.1) Josie Jones - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
IX.3.j.2) Jordan Renn - Volleyball First Assistant Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.j.3) Lee Ridge - Volunteer Assistant Tennis Coach (B)
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2022-2023 school year
IX.3.j.4) Samuel Mercer - Alternative Classroom Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve internal transfer from part-time 5.5 hour position to full time 7 hour position and permission to post part-time 5.5 position
IX.3.k. Multiple Schools
IX.3.k.1) Corporation/Corydon Intermediate School
IX.3.k.1)(1) Kathryn Crecelius - High Ability Mentor Teacher
recommendation to approve transfer
IX.3.k.2) Corydon Central High School/Corydon Elementary School
IX.3.k.2)(1) Kimberly Short - Instructional Assistant Media Center
recommendation to approve transfer from part-time 3.75 hour Title 1 Instructional Assistant position/part-time 2 hour Secretary position at CES to full time 7.5 hour Instructional Assistant Media Center position at CCHS and permission to post vacated part-time CES position
IX.3.k.3) Corydon Elementary School/Corporation
IX.3.k.3)(1) Jared Ketterman - Teacher
recommendation to approve transfer from full time Lead Systems Technician, Corporation to full time Teacher at CES contingent upon proper licensure and permission to post vacated full time Lead Systems Technician position
IX.3.k.4) Corydon Central High School/South Central Jr./Sr. High School
IX.3.k.4)(1) Debra Hardin - Kitchen Helper
recommendation to approve transfer from part-time 4.5 hour position at SCHS to part-time 5.5 hour position at CCHS and permission to post vacated part-time 4.5 hour position
IX.4. Operational Matters
IX.4.a. Corporation
IX.4.a.1) HCCF Grant Agreement - Health Sciences Lab - $94,063 (matching)
recommendation to accept grant award as submitted
IX.4.a.2) Grant Acceptance - Explore, Engage and Experience (3E) Grant - Construction Trades Program - $52,500
recommendation to accept grant as submitted
IX.4.a.3) Non-Certified Reasonable Assurance Letter for the 2022-2023 School Year
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.4) 2022-2023 School Lunch Program
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.5) Bid Award - Propane Gas - Suburban Propane
recommendation to award contract as submitted
IX.4.a.6) Bid Award - Gasoline & Diesel (fixed) - Prem1er Energy
recommendation to award contract as submitted
IX.4.a.7) Transportation Coordinator - Compensation Adjustment
recommendation to establish compensation for the transportation coordinator position to be the same level as the facilities coordinator effective immediately
IX.4.a.8) Surplus Equipment - Telephones (400+) & Interactive White Boards (43)
recommendation to dispose of telephones and interactive white boards by means of recycling/refurbishing programs and/or as donations to other governmental agencies
IX.4.a.9) Agreement for E-Rate Services - AdTec - Funding Years 2023, 2024 and 2025
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
IX.4.b.1) Service Agreement - Adapt for Life
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.2) Service Agreement - Abigail J. Hickerson
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.3) Service Agreement - Kaitlyn Wiseman
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.4) Service Agreement - Dena Rogers, PT
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.5) Service Agreement - Tonia Hatfield, MSPT
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.6) Service Agreement - Susan Christie, OTR
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.7) Service Agreement - Heather K. Hopper, OTR
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.8) Service Agreement - Krista Williams
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.9) Service Agreement - Ms. Grace Missi
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.10) Service Agreement - Heather Stewart
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.11) Service Agreement - Patricia Titus
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.12) Service Agreement - Dr. Paul Carney
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.13) Service Agreement - Stephanie Burgher, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.14) Service Agreement - Laura R. Smith, LCSW
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.15) Service Agreement - Emily Kirkham
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.b.16) Service Agreement - Peggy Sommer, Teacher of Deaf, Hard of Hearing
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.c. Corydon Central High School
IX.4.c.1) 2022-2023 Student Handbook
recommendation to approve handbook as submitted
IX.4.c.2) Memorandum of Understanding for Indiana College Core Pathway - Ivy Tech Community College (Sellersburg)
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.4.d.1) 2022-2023 Student Handbook Updates
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.e. Corydon Elementary School
IX.4.f. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.4.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.4.h. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.4.i. South Central Elementary School
IX.4.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.4.j.1) Memorandum of Understanding for Indiana College Core Pathway - Ivy Tech Community College (Sellersburg)
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
IX.4.k. Multiple Schools
IX.5. Field Trips
IX.5.a. Corydon Central High School
IX.5.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.5.c. Corydon Elementary School
IX.5.d. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.5.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.5.f. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.5.g. South Central Elementary School
IX.5.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.5.i. Multiple Schools
IX.6. Fundraisers
IX.6.a. Corydon Central High School
IX.6.a.1) Fundraiser - Cheerleading - Gourmet Popcorn Sales - Team Apparel - July 11, 2022
recommendation to approve fundraiser as submitted
IX.6.a.2) Fundraiser - Cheerleading - Cluckers Night - Team Apparel - Possible Dates (Only 1 Night) 7/18/22, 7/19/22, 7/25/22, or 7/26/22
recommendation to approve fundraiser as submitted
IX.6.a.3) Fundraiser - Volleyball - FanCloth Apparel Sales - Equipment & Apparel - 7/18/22
recommendation to approve fundraiser as submitted
IX.6.a.4) Fundraiser - Football - Discount Card Sales - Equipment & Apparel - 8/1/22
recommendation to approve fundraiser as submitted
IX.6.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.6.c. Corydon Elementary School
IX.6.d. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.6.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.6.f. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.6.g. South Central Elementary School
IX.6.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.6.i. Multiple Schools
X. Unfinished Business
X.1. Discussion for Architectural Firm Selection
XI. New Business
XII. Motions as the Result of Executive Session
XIII. Superintendent's Communications and Reports
XIV. Board Members’ Communication, Reports and Questions
XV. Upcoming Events
XV.1. Special Board Meeting - Friday, July 22, 2022 - 8:45 am - 3:00 pm
XV.2. Monday, August 1, 2022 - Opening Day Orientation for the 2022-2023 School Year
XVI. Adjournment