November 2, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Session
Agenda |
I. Executive Session - 6:00 PM
I.1. Collective Bargaining - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)2(A)
I.2. Pending litigation - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)2(B)
I.3. Receive information about perspective employees - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)5
I.4. Job performance evaluations of individual employees - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(9)
II. Call to Order - Regular Session - 7:00 PM
III. Roll Call
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Approval of Agenda
VI. Recognitions
VII. Student Council Presentations
VIII. Presentations
VIII.1. COVID Update
Superintendent Mark A. Eastridge
IX. Public Address to the Board
Limited to approximately fifteen (15) minutes as administered by President of the Board.
X. Consent Agenda
X.1. Approval of Board Minutes - October 5, 2021 - Executive and Regular Sessions
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.2. Approval of Board Minutes - October 19, 2021 - Executive and Special Sessions
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.3. Approval of Claim Docket
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.4. Personnel
X.4.a. Corporation
X.4.a.1) Polly Shields - Bus Driver
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.4.a.2) Wyandotte House Tutor
recommendation for permission to post position for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.a.3) Corydon Ramsey House Tutor
recommendation for permission to post position for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
X.4.b.1) Marlah Allen - Substitute Secretary
recommendation to approve temporary substitute pay
X.4.b.2) Olivia Harl - Secretary
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.4.c. Corydon Central High School
X.4.c.1) Amanda Atkins - MTSS Coordinator
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.c.2) Amanda Atkins - Writing & Scholarship Coordinator
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.c.3) Ezra Paden - Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.c.4) Soccer Head Coach (B)
recommendation for permission to post position for the 2022-2023
X.4.c.5) Justin Bottorff - Fall 2021 Varsity Soccer Coach Men's
recommendation to pay full stipend of $3,050 for time worked during the 21-22 school year (note: prior approval was given at the 9/7/21 board meeting for termination and partial pay stipend of $1,525).
X.4.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.4.d.1) Allie Crulo Rood - Junior High 7th Grade Basketball Coach Girls'
recommendation to accept resignation
X.4.d.2) Nicole Evans - Junior High 7th Grade Basketball Coach Girls' (Basketball 7th Grade Coach (G))
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon approval of item X.,4.,d,1.
X.4.d.3) Jeffrey Schreck - Junior High/Elementary Wrestling Coach (Wrestling Junior High Coach)
recommendation to approve employment for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.d.4) Scott Haag - Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.d.5) Thomas Owen - Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.d.6) Derek Owsley - Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.d.7) Austin Bray - Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2021-2022 school year
X.4.e. Corydon Intermediate School
X.4.e.1) Amber Mudd - Temporary Teacher
recommendation to approve temporary employment
X.4.f. Corydon Elementary School
X.4.f.1) Megan Law - Special Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
X.4.f.2) Jessica Thompson - Special Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
X.4.f.3) Audrey Ehlers - Title 1 Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.4.h. New Middletown Elementary School
X.4.i. South Central Elementary School
X.4.i.1) Roxanna Ferree - Preschool Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.i.2) Denise Lillpop - Custodian
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.4.j.1) Vicki Wolverton - Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.j.2) Mary Lynne Thomas - 1/2 Activities Supervisor
recommendation to approve employment
X.4.j.3) Chelsea Thomas - Varsity Volleyball Coach (Volleyball Head Coach)
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2022-2023 school year
X.4.k. Multiple Schools
X.5. Operational Matters
X.5.a. Corporation
X.5.a.1) School Calendar 2022-2023 School Year
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.5.a.2) ACT WorkKeys Testing Program
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.5.a.3) Agreement - Cost Stewardship, Inc. - Cost Reduction Consulting Services
recommendation to approve agreement as submitted
X.5.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
X.5.c. Corydon Central High School
X.5.c.1) Yearbook Agreement - Jostens, Inc. - 2022-2023 School Year
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.5.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.5.e. Corydon Elementary School
X.5.f. Corydon Intermediate School
X.5.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.5.h. New Middletown Elementary School
X.5.i. South Central Elementary School
X.5.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.5.j.1) Partnership Agreement - Central Indiana Educational Services Center
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.5.j.2) Yearbook Agreement - Jostens, Inc. - 2022-2023 School Year
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.5.k. Multiple Schools
X.6. Field Trips
X.6.a. Corydon Central High School
X.6.a.1) Fieldtrip - Future Farmers of America - District X1 Challenge - Hope, IN - Tuesday, November 16, 2021
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.6.a.2) *Previous Submission Update- Overnight Fieldtrip - Future Farmers of America - FIRE Leadership Camp - Trafalgar, IN - Friday, November 5, 2021 through Sunday, November 7, 2021 - Dates Changed to Friday, November 19, 2021 through Sunday, November 21, 2021
recommendation to approve change as submitted
X.6.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.6.c. Corydon Elementary School
X.6.c.1) Fieldtrip - 3rd Grade - YMCA Splash Program - Monday, November 8, 2021 through Thursday, November 11, 2021 and Monday, November 15, 2021 through Thursday, November 18, 2021
recommendation to approve fieldtrip as submitted
X.6.d. Corydon Intermediate School
X.6.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.6.f. New Middletown Elementary School
X.6.g. South Central Elementary School
X.6.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.6.i. Multiple Schools
X.7. Fundraisers
X.7.a. Corydon Central High School
X.7.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.7.c. Corydon Elementary School
X.7.d. Corydon Intermediate School
X.7.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.7.f. New Middletown Elementary School
X.7.g. South Central Elementary School
X.7.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.7.h.1) Fundraiser - Future Farmers of America - Meat Sticks - Trips - November 3, 2021
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.7.i. Multiple Schools
XI. Unfinished Business
XII. New Business
XIII. Motions as the Result of Executive Session
XIV. Superintendent's Communications and Reports
XV. Board Members’ Communication, Reports and Questions
XVI. Upcoming Events
XVI.1. National School Board Association National Conference - April 2-4, 2022
XVII. Adjournment