May 25, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Special Session
Agenda |
I. Executive Session - 6:00 PM
I.1. Collective Bargaining - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)2(A)
I.2. Pending litigation - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)2(B)
I.3. Receive information about perspective employees - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)5
I.4. Job performance evaluations of individual employees - IC 5-14-1.5-6.1(b)(9)
II. Call to Order - Special Session - 7:00 PM
III. Roll Call
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
V. Approval of Amended Agenda
VI. Recognitions
VII. Student Council Presentations
VIII. Presentations
VIII.1. Elementary And Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund - ESSER II and ESSER III
IX. Public Address to the Board
Limited to approximately fifteen (15) minutes as administered by President of the Board.
X. Consent Agenda
X.1. Personnel
X.1.a. Corporation
X.1.a.1) Jennie Capelle - Director of College & Career Readiness
recommendation to approve continuance of 154-day contract for the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.a.2) Manda Bussabarger - Career Pathway Coordinator
recommendation to return to a full 195-day contract beginning with the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.a.3) Anita Temple - Bus Driver
recommendation to accept resignation for retirement purposes at the end of the 2020-2021 school year and permission to post vacated position
X.1.a.4) Summer Food Service Personnel
recommendation to employ personnel as necessary to provide for summer feeding programs and bulk food distribution (compensation to be paid at employee's individual hourly rate for the number of specified hours) as determined by student participation
X.1.a.4)(1) Stephanie Zimmerman
X.1.a.4)(2) Georgia South
X.1.a.4)(3) Jessica Cortie
X.1.a.4)(4) Kimberly Lawton
X.1.a.4)(5) Pamela Linkogle
X.1.a.4)(6) Janet Nance
X.1.a.4)(7) Karen O'Connor
X.1.a.4)(8) Terri Striegel
X.1.a.5) Summer School Personnel
recommendation to employ the following individuals (compensation to be paid at employee's individual hourly rate for the number of specified hours) for the provision of summer school as determined by student participation
X.1.a.5)(1) Summer School Teachers, including substitutes
X.1.a.5)(1)(1) Olivia Bays
X.1.a.5)(1)(2) Kacy Wilkerson
X.1.a.5)(1)(3) Nicole Evans
X.1.a.5)(1)(4) Kelly Schulz
X.1.a.5)(1)(5) Cheryl Gutknecht
X.1.a.5)(1)(6) Sarah Carl
X.1.a.5)(1)(7) Jennifer Adams
X.1.a.5)(1)(8) Denise Goller
X.1.a.5)(1)(9) Malea Schultz
X.1.a.5)(1)(10) Christine Stafford
X.1.a.5)(1)(11) Shannon Burke
X.1.a.5)(1)(12) Morgan Yunker
X.1.a.5)(1)(13) Becky Shoemaker
X.1.a.5)(1)(14) Sarah Ground
X.1.a.5)(1)(15) Lindsay Dunaway
X.1.a.5)(1)(16) Stephanie Black
X.1.a.5)(1)(17) Amber Wischmeier
X.1.a.5)(1)(18) Elizabeth Glomb
X.1.a.5)(1)(19) Mary Lynne Thomas
X.1.a.5)(1)(20) Christine Randolph
X.1.a.5)(1)(21) Jennifer Wiseman
X.1.a.5)(1)(22) Michael Uhl
X.1.a.5)(1)(23) Janet Roberson
X.1.a.5)(1)(24) Carol Vaughn
X.1.a.5)(1)(25) Amanda Emmons
X.1.a.5)(1)(26) Regan Gusler
X.1.a.5)(1)(27) Jessica Hauswald
X.1.a.5)(1)(28) Cherie Hofmann
X.1.a.5)(1)(29) Alan Mathews
X.1.a.5)(1)(30) Christina Cross
X.1.a.5)(1)(31) Michelle Emily Miller
X.1.a.5)(1)(32) Brooke Stewart
X.1.a.5)(1)(33) Lauren Rainbolt
X.1.a.5)(1)(34) Erin Harbeson
X.1.a.5)(1)(35) Kristopher Davis
X.1.a.5)(1)(36) Dane Carter
X.1.a.5)(1)(37) Kaitlyn Green
X.1.a.5)(1)(38) Tabitha Seacat
X.1.a.5)(2) Office Staff, including substitutes
X.1.a.5)(2)(1) Kim Short
X.1.a.5)(2)(2) Irene Kiesler
X.1.a.5)(2)(3) Kaloni Groudle
X.1.a.5)(2)(4) Jeanna Spencer
X.1.a.5)(3) Instructional Assistants, including substitutes
X.1.a.5)(3)(1) Susant Newton
X.1.a.5)(3)(2) Rebekah Laswell
X.1.a.5)(3)(3) Melissa Alcorn
X.1.a.5)(3)(4) Lilliana Retama
X.1.a.5)(3)(5) Sally Banning
X.1.a.5)(3)(6) Sue Wiseman
X.1.a.5)(3)(7) Virginia McCrary
X.1.a.5)(3)(8) Steven Hall
X.1.a.5)(3)(9) Heather Rogers
X.1.a.5)(3)(10) Stefanie Bliss
X.1.a.5)(3)(11) Rebecca Garrett
X.1.a.5)(4) Transportation (to be paid at established hourly rate)
X.1.a.5)(4)(1) Tracey Rosenbarger
X.1.a.5)(4)(2) Kevin Bratcher
X.1.a.5)(4)(3) Eric Wallace
X.1.a.5)(4)(4) David Abner
X.1.a.5)(4)(5) Robert Johnson
X.1.a.5)(4)(6) Stephen Temple
X.1.a.5)(4)(7) Sandra Phipps
X.1.a.5)(4)(8) Substitute Summer Transportation Personnel
recommendation to approve other transportation substitutes as needed
X.1.a.6) Create and Post Positions (ESSER Grants)
recommendation is to create and post the following positions to be paid from ESSER funds; special note: final placement of personnel is contingent upon fall enrollment and prioritization of student needs
X.1.a.6)(1) Corydon Central Junior High School - Teacher
X.1.a.6)(2) Corydon Central Junior High School - Part Time Instructional Assistant (Mo Classroom)
X.1.a.6)(3) Corydon Elementary School - Teachers (2)
X.1.a.6)(4) Corydon Elementary School - Part Time Special Education Instructional Assistants (2)
X.1.a.6)(5) Corydon Intermediate School - Teacher
X.1.a.6)(6) Corydon Intermediate School - Part Time Instructional Assistants (3)
X.1.a.6)(7) Heth-Washington Elementary School - Guidance Counselor
X.1.a.6)(8) Heth-Washington Elementary School - Full Time Redirection Room Instructional Assistant
X.1.a.6)(9) New Middletown Elementary School - Teacher
X.1.a.6)(10) South Central Elementary School - Part Time Instructional Assistants (5)
X.1.a.6)(11) South Central Junior/Senior High School - Part Time Instructional Assistants (2)
X.1.a.7) Substitute Teacher Instructional Assistants (5 positions)
recommendation for permission to create and post five (5) full time (7 paid hours per day) Substitute Teacher Instructional Assistant positions for the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.a.8) Peyton Adams - Summer Technology Assistant
recommendation to approve summer employment
X.1.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
X.1.b.1) Speech Language Pathologist
recommendation for permission to create and post position
X.1.c. Corydon Central High School
X.1.c.1) Taylor Myers - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment
X.1.c.2) Joshua Pare - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
X.1.c.3) Ben Woodward - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment and extend contract to 205 days a year contingent upon proper licensure
X.1.c.4) Kelsey Kennedy - Counselor
recommendation to approve employment
X.1.c.5) Tiffany Stansbury - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment
X.1.c.6) Vickie Love - Secretary
recommendation to approve employment
X.1.c.7) Mikel Breeden - Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve transfer from part-time Instructional Assistant to full time Instructional Assistant position and permission to post vacated part-time position
X.1.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.1.e. Corydon Intermediate School
X.1.f. Corydon Elementary School
X.1.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.1.g.1) Malea Schultz - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
X.1.g.2) Skylynn Terrell - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
X.1.h. New Middletown Elementary School
X.1.i. South Central Elementary School
X.1.i.1) Teacher
recommendation for permission to post vacated position for the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.i.2) Preschool Instructional Assistant
recommendation for permission to post for the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.1.k. Multiple Schools
X.1.k.1) Heth-Washington Elementary School/South Central Jr. Sr. High School
X.1.k.1)(1) Regina Sue Lanham - Assistant Principal
recommendation to approve transfer from Principal at HWES to Assistant Principal at SCHS effective with the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.k.1)(2) Daniel Waynescott - Principal
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon approval of transfer of Regina Sue Lanham to SCHS
X.1.k.2) Heth-Washington Elementary School/New Middletown Elementary School
X.1.k.2)(1) Josie Jones - Physical Education Instructional Assistant
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
X.1.k.3) South Central Elementary School/South Central Jr. Sr. High School
X.1.k.3)(1) Virginia McCrary - Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve transfer from part-time Instructional Assistant at SCES to full time Instructional Assistant at SCHS
X.1.k.4) New Middletown Elementary School/Corydon Intermediate School
X.1.k.4)(1) Wendy Carter - Principal
recommendation to approve transfer from Principal at NMES to Principal at CIS effective with the 2021-2022 school year
X.1.k.4)(2) Robert Briscoe - Principal
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon approval of transfer of Wendy Carter to CIS
X.2. Operational Matters
X.2.a. Corporation
X.2.a.1) Student Monitoring System - GoGuardian - 3 Year Agreement
recommendation to approve 3-year subscription through ESSER grant as submitted
X.2.a.2) Memo of Agreement - Ivy Tech Community College Southern Indiana - AWS Welding Certification Course - April 2021 - June 2021
recommendation to approve post facto as submitted
X.2.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
X.2.c. Corydon Central High School
X.2.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.2.e. Corydon Elementary School
X.2.f. Corydon Intermediate School
X.2.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.2.h. New Middletown Elementary School
X.2.i. South Central Elementary School
X.2.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.2.j.1) South Central Summer 2021 Basketball Camp - Grades 5th through 8th
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.2.k. Multiple Schools
X.3. Field Trips
X.3.a. Corydon Central High School
X.3.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.3.c. Corydon Elementary School
X.3.d. Corydon Intermediate School
X.3.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.3.f. New Middletown Elementary School
X.3.g. South Central Elementary School
X.3.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.3.i. Multiple Schools
X.4. Fundraisers
X.4.a. Corydon Central High School
X.4.a.1) Fundraiser - Robotics Club - Sell Boutonnieres and Corsages - Competition Fees - May 25, 2021
recommendation to approve as submitted
X.4.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
X.4.c. Corydon Elementary School
X.4.d. Corydon Intermediate School
X.4.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
X.4.f. New Middletown Elementary School
X.4.g. South Central Elementary School
X.4.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
X.4.i. Multiple Schools
XI. Unfinished Business
XII. New Business
XIII. Motions as the Result of Executive Session
XIV. Superintendent's Communications and Reports
XV. Board Members’ Communication, Reports and Questions
XVI. Upcoming Events
XVII. Adjournment