August 13, 2018 at 3:00 PM - Executive Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. June 4 2018 Meeting Minutes Review
3. Update Regarding Staffing, Plans for 2018-2019
4. Update on Radon Testing
5. Strategic Planning Process Update
5.A. Final Review of Mission Vision and Belief Statements
6. Discuss Process for Legislative Request
7. Wilkins Hall Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies
7.A. Board Members Role at this Event
8. Review Board Meetings Monthly Responsibilities/Manual
8.A. Discussion of Converting Some of the Manual Into Policies
9. International Studies Program
10. Future Discussion Items:
10.A. Curriculum for ASL and Coding
10.B. Bonding Money Received
10.C. Short and Long Term Facilities Plan
10.C.1. Goal of this Facilities Plan
10.C.2. Timeline
10.D. Cost analysis of Video Remote Interpreting
10.E. Cost Analysis of MSA Dorm Programs
10.F. Status of FPS/MSA subcommittee to oversee the extended year/flex year school calendar
11. Adjourn