Agenda |
1. February 12, 2018 Meeting Minutes - Review
2. Consider Rescheduling the May 21 Meeting
3. MSBA-MSA Policy Comparison Chart
4. New/Updated Policies to Review:
4.A. 208 Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies
4.B. 214 Out of State Travel by School Board Members Policy
4.C. 401 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
4.D. 445 Respectful Workplace Policy
4.E. 515 Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Policy
4.F. 520 Participation in Research Projects and Student Surveys Policy
4.G. 526 Hazing Policy
4.H. 543 Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) Policy
5. Site Council to Review Prior to Submitting for a First Reading:
5.A. 102 Equal Education Policy
5.B. 110 Educational Excellence and Equity Policy
5.C. 419 Tobacco Free Environment Policy
5.D. 440 Reasonable Accommodations Policy
5.E. 444 Driver License and Records Checks Policy
5.F. 455 Employee Code of Conduct Policy
5.G. 502 Student Search (including feedback from AG’s office)
5.H. 521 Student Disability Non-Discrimination Policy
6. Unfinished Pending/On Hold Policies:
6.A. Combining Polling Places Policy
6.B. Recruitment of Protected Group Individuals Policy
7. New Items to Discuss:
8. Adjourn