December 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
4. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag
5. Executive Session
5.A. Appointment, Employment and Compensation for Village Manager Candidate.
6. Oaths, Reports, Proclamations, Announcements and Appointments
6.A. Mayor's Report
6.B. Manager's Report
6.C. Finance Committee and Management Report(s):
6.C.1) Village of Maywood Detailed Revenue and Expense Report for six (6) Periods Ending October 31, 2014.
7. Approval of minutes for the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees and Public Hearing 2014 Real Estate Tax Levy Tuesday, December 2, 2014.
7.A. Regular Board Meeting minutes approval for Tuesday, December 2, 2014
7.B. Public Hearing 2014 Real Estate Tax Levy minutes approval for Tuesday, December 2, 2014
8. Approval of Warrants:
8.A. Warrant List No. 200382 for the Village of Maywood - Expenditures total through December 12, 2014 in the amount of $646,843.94.
9. Old Business:
10. Omnibus Agenda
10.A. Consideration to approve payment to Accu-Tron Computer Service for computer consulting services for the month of December 2014 in the amount of $6,300.00.
10.B. Consideration to approve payment to Associated Technical Services Ltd. for 2013/2014 Leak Detection - Location Survey in the amount of $6,733.85.
10.C. Consideration to approve payment to Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP for services in connections with the April 30, 2012 and 2013 Financial Statement Audit in the amount of $77,743.27.
10.D. Consideration to approve payment to the City of Chicago - Department of Water for water provided by the City of Chicago in the amount of $289,093.60.
10.E. Consideration to approve payment to Comcast for recurring telephone service at the Fire Department, Police Station, Parks & Rec. Building and Village Hall in the amount of $9,039.52
10.F. Consideration to approve payment to Current Technologies for monthly Equipment and Labor Maintenance and Surveillance Support and Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $8,928.04.
10.G. Consideration to approve Payment No. 2 to FBG Corporation in the amount
of ($224,509.50) for construction services rendered for Fire Station #1
10.H. Consideration to approve payment to Fleet Services for Retail Fuel Purchases for the Village of Maywood in the amount of $18,575.15.
10.I. Consideration to approve payment to Harris Computer Systems for MSI Software Maintenance November 1, 2014 - October 31, 2015 in the amount of $25,963.59.
10.J. Consideration to approve Payment No. 1 to D'Escota Builders for construction services performed for the Maywood Home for Soldiers Widows Porch Remodeling Project in the amount of $34,750.00.
10.K. Consideration to approve payment to Illinois Council of Police & Sheriffs for Health and Dental Insurance Premiums for the month of January 2015 in the amount of $69,996.91.
10.L. Consideration to approve payment to Illinois Department of Employment Security for QTR/YR contributions January 2014, February 2014 and March 2014 in the amount of $43,349.81.
10.M. Consideration to approve payment to Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins for Legal Retainer Services rendered during October 2014 in the amount of $12,032.50.
10.N. Consideration to approve payment to Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins for Legal Services rendered during October 2014 in the amount of $29,798.98.
10.O. Consideration to approve payment to Mariella's Banquet for reimbursement payment for completed Facade Project in the amount of $21,895.00.
10.P. Consideration to approve payment to Premium Assignment Corporation for General Liability Insurance Premium monthly payment 7 of 9 in the amount of $53,927.31.
10.Q. Consideration to approve payment to Scot Decal Company, Inc. for the 2015 Vehicle Stickers and Business License Decals for the Village of Maywood in the amount of $8,123.36.
10.R. Consideration to approve payment to Triggi Construction for Project of roadway improvements on Washington Blvd. between 2nd Avenue and 6th Avenue in the Village of Maywood in the mount of $429,567.75.
10.S. Consideration to approve an ordinance of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Maywood, Cook County, Illinois providing for the Levy, Assessment and collection of taxes for the Year 2014 Tax Levy, with the Certification of Compliance with Truth and Taxation law and a Filing Certificate.
10.T. Consideration of approval ordinance and adopt an updated Official 2014 Comprehensive Plan of the Village of Maywood
10.U. Consideration to approve a resolution for a Plat of Re-subdivision for property located at 307-309 Lake Street/216 North 3rd Avenue - G. Zack Re-subdivision
10.V. Consideration to approve a resolution approving an application for facade improvements for the property located at 309 West Lake Street, Maywood, Cook County, IL (Funding Source: 2015 Facade Improvement Program for properties located outside existing Village TIF Districts)
10.W. Consideration to approve a resolution for a Class 8 TERM Real Estate Tax Incentive for the property located at 309 West Lake Street, Maywood, IL
10.X. Consideration to approve an ordinance for a special use for a Daycare Center located at 1919 St. Charles Road (Mary Wilson D/B/A Him Learning Center
10.Y. Consideration to approve a Resolution for the Regular Meeting Schedules of the Present and
Board of Trustees and the Legal, License and Ordinance Committee of the
Village of Maywood for Calender Year 2015.
10.Z. Consideration to Approve an Ordinance authorizing the establishment and use of Construction
Escrows for expenditure from the St. Charles Road Tax Increment
Financing Redevelopment Project area fund for various eligible TIF
Improvements Projects approved under Ordinance CO-2013-47 and other
necessary costs relative to the close out of the St. Charles Road Tax
Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area Fund
10.AA. Consideration to approve a"handicap sign" for Mr. Higgins at 1915 Washington
Blvd. This request was discussed and approved by the Traffic and Safety
Commission at their November 11, 2014 meeting
10.AB. Consideration to approve payment to Village of Melrose Park for water services provided 10/25/14 through 11/24/2014 from the Village of Melrose Park in the amount of $58,984.42.
11. New Business:
11.A. Consideration of approval of an "Intergovernmental Agreement between the
Village of Maywood, Village of Bellwood, and the Village of Melrose Park
for the expansion, governance, regulatory incentives and other aspects
of the Maywood Enterprise Zone."
Consideration to approve that Princess Dempsey and Dempsey
Staffing Firm is prohibited from using the Village of Maywood facilities to
conduct business activities for private business use. The Interim Village
Manager shall terminate all contracts and arrangements with this firm. The
Interim Village Manager is requested to provide a report to the Board
specifying the actual secretarial requirements/duties needed in the Mayor's Office
to help the Village Board budget properly and determine whether or not that
position should be Full-time of Part-time.
11.C. Discussion regarding water billing process
12. Public Comment:
13. Executive Session
13.A. Appointment, Employment and Compensation of a Village Employee/Village Manager
14. Adjournment