January 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Prayer/Board Appreciation
3. Student/Teacher Presentations
4. Audience with patrons
5. Informational Items
5.A. Administrators' Reports
5.B. Enrollment
5.C. Proposed 2020-2021 budget timeline
5.D. Annual Report
5.E. Board Policy Update 116 - first reading
6. Action items
6.A. Consider Consent Agenda
6.A.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
6.A.2. Financial Report
6.A.3. Disbursements
6.B. Consider approval of budget amendment and purchases of $25,000 or more
6.C. Consideration and possible action on a Real Property Lease and Donation Agreement regarding the establishment, construction, renovation and subsequent donation to the District of an athletic and recreation facility on an approximately 2.4 acre portion of District real property located at the Southwest corner of 8th and Maple Streets, Dalhart, Texas
6.D. Consider adoption of 2021-2022 School Calendar
6.E. Consider approval of textbook selection committee for Pre-K textbook adoption
6.F. Call May 1, 2021 Trustee Election (2 full term places)
6.G. Consider approval of 2020 Annual Financial Report (Audit) - Presented by Brown, Graham & Company, P.C. (Gary Brown)
6.H. Matters Related to Personnel
Superintendent Evaluation
6.H.1. Resignations
6.H.2. Employment
6.H.3. Superintendent Evaluation
7. Adjournment