August 16, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Certification of Public Notice
IV. Comments from visitors
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes from the July 21, 2022 Regular and the August 1, 2022 Special Board Meetings
V.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
V.C. Action on resolution recognizing Palo Pinto County 4-H organization as a sanctioned extracurricular activity and approve adjunct faculty status
V.D. Adoption of 2022-2023 teacher appraisal calendar
V.E. Review updated Engagement Letter from Snow, Garrett, the district's financial auditors
VI. Call for November 8, 2022 Trustee Election
VII. Discussion and possible action on 2022-2023 SISD Student Code of Conduct
VIII. Discuss changes and updates to student handbooks
IX. Discuss changes and updates to employee handbook
X. Discussion and possible action on proposal for property and liability insurance
XI. Discussion and possible action on vehicle purchase
XII. Discussion and possible action on Delegation of Contractual Authority to Superintendent by Santo ISD Board of Trustees for Specific TEC Codes
XIII. Approval of Contract to Purchase Attendance Credits from TEA for the 2022-2023 School Year
XIV. Discussion and possible action on proposed budget and tax rate for 2022-2023 and confirm date for Public Hearing to discuss proposed budget and tax rate
XV. Communications and Reports
XV.A. Enrollment Projections - Gilbert
XV.B. Elementary - Price
XV.C. Secondary - Henry
XV.D. Athletics- Mann
XV.E. Facilities Update - Gilbert
XV.F. Personnel Update - Gilbert
XV.G. Review teacher in-service days - Gilbert
XV.H. ESC 11 Contracts - Gilbert
XV.I. Board School Safety Training - Gilbert
XV.J. 2021-2022 FIRST Report Update - Gilbert
XVI. Personnel (Certified Agenda on File)
XVI.A. Hiring of SSA SPED personnel
XVII. Action on items discussed in Closed Session
XVIII. Adjourn