June 15, 2023 at 3:00 PM - Regular Meeting, Public Hearing, and Executive Session (revised 6-13-23 at 12:31 PM)
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
3. PUBLIC HEARING-2023-2024 Proposed Maintenance Operating Budget and Capital Budgets
3.A. Call to Order of Public Hearing
3.B. Review of 2023-2024 Proposed Maintenance Operating Budget and Capital Budgets – Non Action Item
3.C. Call for Questions and Discussion
3.D. Adjournment of Public Hearing/ Call to Order of regular meeting
3.E. Approval of proposed budget for FY2023-2024 budget – Action Item
4.A. Approval of the 2023-2024 IGA with Coconino Community College for CAVIAT Central Campus Programs-Action Item
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
5.A. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting and Public Hearing May 4th, 2023
5.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers for May 2023
5.C. Approval of the CAVIAT District Calendars for School Year 2023-2024 for CAVIAT CTE programs in Fredonia, Page, Flagstaff, Grand Canyon and Williams, and CAVIAT Coconino Community College Programs.
5.D. Approval of the Exhibit A/ Proposed Budget for 2023-2024 for Page Unified School District, Williams Unified School District and Flagstaff Unified School District
5.E. Approval of the 2023-2024 CAVIAT IGA with Member Districts: Page USD, Williams USD and Flagstaff USD
5.F. Approval of the Member District Carryforward Plans for FY 2023-2024 for Page Unified School District, Flagstaff Unified School District and Williams Unified School District
5.G. Approval of the Grand Canyon Unified School District Exhibit A/ Budget Revision for 2022-2023
5.H. Approval for the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium Annual dues in Support of Satellite and Central Programs
5.I. Consent to representation by Coconino County Attorney's Office for fiscal year 2024 for intergovernmental agreement and contracts
5.J. Approval of 3rd Party Vendor and Sole Source, ADI, for Payroll Services and Accounts Payable and Budgeting Services for CAVIAT for fiscal year 2023-2024
5.K. Approval of Tyler SIS as sole source vendor for CAVIAT School Information System Services/Software/Programming for FY24
5.L. Approval of the Annual TRUST and Alliance Proposal Acceptance Form (PAF) and Coverage Acceptance Form (CAF) for 2023-2024
5.M. Approval to designate Dr Brent Neilson as the reviewer and signer for all official district documents for FY 23-24
5.N. Approval of the Renewal of the Classified Work Agreement for Part-time CAVIAT CTE Coordinator, Kira Blair
Pursuant to A.R.S.431.03(A)(2), the Board may vote to hold an executive session, which will not be open to the public, for the purpose of discussing (2) RECORDS EXEMPT BY LAW FROM PUBLIC INSPECTION. This may be conducted in-person, by speakerphone, or internet-based conference call. In an executive session, the Governing Board may discuss and consider only the specific matters authorized by the statute. Furthermore, the Governing Board may not take a vote or make a final decision in the executive session, but rather must reconvene in a public meeting for purposes of taking the binding vote or making final decisions. A.R.S §38-431.03. Discussion regarding Auditor General in-process audit of CAVIAT. This item includes discussion or consideration of records exempt by law from public inspection, including the receipt and discussion of information or testimony that is specifically required to be maintained as confidential by state or federal law. A.R.S §41-1279.05 exempts Office of the Auditor General working papers and other audit files from public inspection. (All persons present at an Executive Session are hereby reminded that A.R.S. §38-431.03 imposes strict confidentiality requirements on discussions that occur in Executive Session. Generally, such discussions cannot be revealed to non-board members, unless necessary to carry out the purpose of the statutory provision that specifically permits an Executive Session. The Open Meeting Law provides for a fine of up to $500 for violating this confidentiality requirement, and requires that this admonition be given.) |
7.A. Approval of the district response to the Auditor General's Performance Audit Findings, as discussed in the Executive Session- Action Item
7.B. Discussion and approval for Fredoina-Moccasin Unified School District Spring 2023 Compliance Reviews-Action Item
7.C. First reading of Policy Advisories 744-747-Non Action Item
7.D. Discussion regarding adjusting the time or date for the July Governing Board meeting-Possible Action Item
7.E. Suggested Future Agenda Items- Non Action Item
8.A. Governing Board
8.B. Superintendent
8.B.1) Current Events
9. CALENDAR OF EVENTS The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for July 13th, 2023 - 9:00 AM - Teleconference (Budget Adoption)
10. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item