September 14, 2018 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2.A. Recognition of Joe Cornett, CAVIAT/FUSD Digital Photography Teacher from Flagstaff High School, Coconino County Teacher of the Year
2.B. Update regarding Flagstaff Unified School District CTE/CAVIAT courses-presenter, Flagstaff Unified School District College and Career Readiness Director Dave Dirksen and FUSD CAVIAT/CTE students
2.C. Update from Provost Dr. Nate Sutherland, Vice Provost Dr. Gonzalo Perez, Dean of CTE/Innovation Campus Jeff Jones, and Dual Enrollment/CAVIAT Coordinator Alex Purchase regarding CAVIAT/CCC courses (current and possible future offerings), the current CAVIAT/CCC tuition rate/history regarding said rate, and other items related to CAVIAT/CCC/CTE
2.D. Update from Coconino Community College the Community College and the Community College’s upcoming ballot proposition. The presentation covers facts about the community college, programs offered, community partnerships, the Community College’s funding challenge, and the opportunities that Proposition 417 would give the Community College-Presenter, Dr. Colleen Smith, CCC President
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes: August 10, 2018 Regular Meeting
3.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS-none at this time
5.A. First Reading-ASBA Policy Advisories 625-643-Non Action Item
Policy Advisory No. 625...................Policy BCB — Board Member Conflict of Interest Exhibit BCB-E Policy Advisory No. 626........................................Policy BE — School Board Meetings Policy Advisory No. 627................................................ Policy BEDF — Voting Method Policy Advisory No. 628...............................................Regulation BEDG-R — Minutes Policy Advisory No. 629.................................................. Policy DICA — Budget Forms Policy Advisory No. 630............................. Policy DIE — Audits/Financial Monitoring Policy Advisory No. 631............................................................Policy DJ — Purchasing Policy Advisory No. 632.............................Policy DN — School Properties Disposition Policy Advisory No. 633.....................................Policy FCB — Retirement of Facilities Policy Advisory No. 634...... Policy GCO — Evaluation of Professional Staff Members Policy Advisory No. 635.................... Regulation IKE-RB — Promotion and Retention of Students Policy Advisory No. 636................. Policy IL — Evaluation of Instructional Programs Policy Advisory No. 637............... Policy IMD — School Ceremonies and Observances Policy Advisory No. 638............................. Policy JEB — Entrance Age Requirements Policy Advisory No. 639........................Policy JICK — Student Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/ Violence/ Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying Regulation JICK-R . Exhibit JICK-EB Policy Advisory No. 640.......................................Policy JJIB — Interscholastic Sports Policy Advisory No. 641..................................................Policy JL — Student Wellness Regulation JL RB Policy Advisory No. 642....................... Exhibit JLCB- E — Immunization of Students Policy Advisory No. 643................................Policy JLCD — Medicines/Administering Medicines to Students
Attached is the latest Policy Advisory. The policy documents should be considered by the Governing Board for adoption as a policy or by the Superintendent for implementation as a regulation or exhibit.
5.B. Approval of CAVIAT Central Campus program, Hospitality Management, for School Year 2018-2019-Action Item
5.C. Approval of CAVIAT CTED Curriculum and Supplementary Materials for Marine Technology Central Campus Program-American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) Curriculum and associated materials-Action Item
This will cost approximately $8000 depending on how many students we purchase books and certification exams for.
5.D. Consideration to approve CAVIAT sponsorship of STEM City Sci-Friday Community outreach events for FY 18/19, for $500-Action Item
For the $500, CAVIAT will be able to market to the Flagstaff area STEM teachers, STEM business, and others that are currently anticipating in the STEM arena. We will use this as a outreach and marketing endeavor for these community events to recruit students, promote programs to our STEM teachers (who in turn can help promote them to students) and parents, as well as, forge additional community relationships. This $500 will come from our Civic Fund so it will have no impact on our current M&O budget.
5.E. Consideration to Approve Guest Teacher Dr. Beth Chesterman, Flagstaff Central Campus for 2018-2019-Possible Action Item
5.F. Discussion Regarding Board Retreat or Study Session for November in Page, Az-Non Action Item
5.G. Suggested Future Agenda Items- Non Action Item
6.A. Governing Board
6.B. Superintendent
6.B.1) Update on CAVIAT Central Campus Programs Enrollment Numbers for SY 18/19
Engineering Science - 14
Veterinary Assistant - 12 Marine Tech - 13 Bioscience - 7 Alt. Energy Year 1 - 1 Alt. Energy Year 2 - 1 Business - 4 CIS - 3 EMS - 11 Medical Assistant - 2 C.N.A. - 3 Pre Health Year 2 - 4 Hotel Restaurant Mgmt - 4 |
6.B.2) Update on upcoming ASBA County Meeting in Flagstaff, October 18th, 5:30-7:30
6.B.3) Update on Upcoming Board Approved Travel for CAVIAT Governing Board members
6.B.4) Update on from the JTED Superintendent's meeting and Legislative Update
6.B.5) Update regarding remaining IGAs for fiscal year 2018-2019
The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 5th, 2018 at 9 a.m. via teleconference. |
8. ADJOURNMENT of Regular Meeting - Action Item