April 12, 2013 at 12:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
1.C. Special Presentations
1) Ms. Lynne Brown (Grand Canyon High School CTE Administrator) 2) Pima JTED Curriculum Consortium Guest Speakers
In addition to having the opportunity to meet the new CTE Administrator from the GCUSD, we will have Julie Stockwell from West Mec make a special presentation to the Board with regard to the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium Project (Pima JTED).
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes: March 8, 2013 Regular Meeting
3.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
3.C. Approval to change May regular board meeting date from May 10, 2013 to May 3, 2013 at 10 a.m.
4.A. Governing Board
4.A.1) Flagstaff High School Culinary Arts students' field trip to El Tovar Restaurant - Mr. Beckerleg
4.B. Superintendent
4.B.1) Legislative update
4.B.2) 100th day enrollment update - Christina Russell
4.B.3) CTE Coordinators Updates (None for this meeting)
5.A. Second Reading and Adoption of Policies – Action Item
GCO- Evaluation of Professional Staff Members IKF- Graduation Requirements JFABC- Admission of Transfer Students JLCCA- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections KHC- Distribution/Posting of Promotional Materials
GCO - As mentioned at our last meeting, historically, we've not adopted certain policies related to instructional staff as we have not directly employed certified teachers. However, with the advent of the changes in owned and operated legislation, it is probable that we will eventually be hiring instructors who work directly for CAVIAT. Accordingly, several of the these policies will become pertinent to our mission. It is likely that I will need to meet with policy staff at ASBA and conduct a complete review to ensure that other policies previously omitted are included in our manual. Adopt as presented
IKF - Students do not graduate from JTED's so no need to adopt JFABC - We do not award graduation credit so no need to adopt JLCCA - As with any public school, we must provide programs for HIV infected students so adoption is required. KHC - Occasionally, we may allow organizations to post items with us and this provides a means to appeal a decision to disallow. Adoption recommended. |
5.B. Consideration to host ASBA County Workshop on Thursday, October 17, 2013- Action Item
We had previously discussed hosting the ASBA County workshop at our Page facility but subsequently learned of the opportunity to host it at the Grand Canyon, which is more centrally located. With that in mind, we have placed the item on the agenda to officially pursue hosting the event.
6.A. Consideration to approve Board Member William Justice as authorized signer on CAVIAT bank account– Action Item
With Irene having left the Board, it would be very helpful to Christina and staff if Mr. Justice was approved to sign vouchers and other documents from time to time.
6.B. Approval of up to two board members to attend the Coconino County School Superintendent's Teacher of the Year Luncheon on May 9, 2013 at cost of $50 each- Action Item
There is no obligation for us to participate in this event, but Mr. Kelty has extended an invitation for CAVIAT to attend the Luncheon which will help raise money for the award that will be granted to the teacher of the year for our county.
6.C. Discussion of written versus oral reports by CTE Program Coordinators at board meetings- Discussion Item and Possible Action Item
In order for the Board to better prepare questions and engage in discussion of business related to the CTE Coordinators' reports, it has been suggested that they submit more information in writing prior to the Board meeting. Currently, we simply list their names under "Reports" so perhaps some combination of listing the topics they plan to discuss and providing written materials in advance of the meeting may improve reporting to the Board.
6.D. Consideration to revise professional development language in employee salary schedules- Action Item
In contrast with traditional pay scales that prescribe annual increases in pay based upon time served in district, the pay chart approach provides incentives for employees to continue their professional training in areas related to the CAVIAT mission. Also, because we do not prescribe annual salary increases based on seniority, it affords us with a better opportunity to financially plan for such increases over an extended time frame. However, nothing precludes the Governing Board from offering cost of living adjustments or otherwise increasing the base pay on the salary charts when prudent and necessary.
There are two attachments related to this item that you may wish to peruse. These are specifically for the position of Business Manager but the same process will apply to all contracted employees. Essentially, this proposed change provides for an established minimum increment of time when employees can redeem the required 225 hours of professional develpment for advancement on the salary chart. In addition, it allows employees to "carry forward" hours they may have accumulated over a 3 year period that are in excess of the required 225 hours. By taking this approach, we can maintain and reward continued employee interest in training opportunities even if they accumulate instructional hours beyond the minimum. In addition, the minimum time frame helps adjust for those cycles when employees may accrue large numbers of hours in a relatively short period of time and thus mitigates budgetary pressure during difficult fiscal cycles as we've experienced in recent years. |
6.E. Appointment of board member to Flagstaff USD Calendar Committee- Action Item
FUSD has invited CAVIAT to have a seat on a committee to establish a district calendar for next year and perhaps beyond. This could be a staff member but in the event a Board member would like to serve, we have placed this on the agenda to approve such appointment.
The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 3, 2013 at 10 a.m. in Williams at the Coconino Community College Williams Campus 636 S. Seventh Street, Williams, AZ. |
8. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item