March 10, 2025 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Invocation
III. Student Recognition
IV. Open Forum
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
V.B. Bills Payable
V.C. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit A to the Notice of General Election regarding the Joint Early Voting Schedule and Locations.
Considerar y posible aprobación del Anexo A del Aviso de Elección General sobre el Calendario y Lugares de Votación Anticipada Conjunta. |
V.D. Consider and possible approval of Exhibit B to the Notice and Order of General Election regarding Election Day Vote Centers.
Considerar y posible aprobación del Anexo B del Aviso y Orden de Elección General sobre los Centros de Votación el Día de las Elecciones. |
V.E. Consider and possible appointment of Judges and Rovers for each Vote Center for
Election Day. Considerar un posible nombramiento de Jueces y Rovers para cada Centro de Votación para el día de las elecciones. |
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consider the 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
VI.B. Consider New Contract Forms
VII. Director of Curriculum and Instruction Report
VIII. Principal Reports
IX. Athletic Director Report
X. Technology Director Report
XI. Business Manager Report
XI.A. Budget Progress
XI.B. Food Service Report
XI.C. Tax Report
XII. Superintendent's Report
XII.A. Enrollment
XII.B. Possible Housing Development
XII.C. School Board Convention
XIII. Executive Session
XIII.A. Personnel Matters
XIII.A.I. Administrator Contracts
XIII.A.I.a. Elementary Principal
XIII.A.I.b. Assistant Principal - Elementary
XIII.A.I.c. Middle School Principal
XIII.A.I.d. Assistant Principal - Middle School
XIII.A.I.e. High School Principal
XIII.A.I.f. Assistant Principal - High School
XIII.A.I.g. Athletic Director
XIII.A.I.h. Director of Curriculum / Instruction
XIII.A.I.i. Technology Director
XIV. Adjourn