December 18, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Invocation
II. Open Forum
III. Consent Agenda:
III.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
III.B. Bills Payable
IV. Action Items:
IV.A. Amend Budget
IV.B. Approve Concession Stand at Baseball Field
IV.C. Authorize Superintendent to Sell Baseball Field Light Poles & Fixtures
IV.D. Consider Uniforms for Maintenance Department
IV.E. Approve Resolution for Lubbock Central Appraisal District to Acquire Property
IV.F. Policy Update 84 Affecting Local Policies
(See attached list)
V. Principal's Report
V.A. Enrollment Report
VI. Superintendent's Reports:
VI.A. Lunchroom
VI.B. Tax
VI.C. Budget Progress
VI.D. Board Training Hours
VI.E. Fall Fund Raisers
VI.F. Football Revenue
VII. Discussion Item:
VII.A. Bond Planning
VIII. Executive Session:
VIII.A. Accept Resignations TX Govt. Code 551.074
VIII.B. Hire Teacher TX Govt. Code 551.074
VIII.C. Property Purchase TX Govt. Code 551.072