September 26, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag:
C. Approval of Agenda:
D. Building Reports:
D.1. Introduction of New Teachers
E. Hearing of Citizens:
F. Student Council Report:
G. Approval of Minutes:
G.1. August 22, 2022 Regular Meeting
G.2. September 12, 2022 Work Session
H. Treasurer's Report:
H.1. Financial Statements
H.2. Bills for Payment
H.3. Budgets to Date
I. Superintendent's Reports and Recommendations:
I.1. Personnel
I.1.a. Resignations
I.1.a.1) Hannah Vansumeren - Transportation
I.1.b. Appointments
I.1.b.1) Amanda Lee - Bean Media Specialist
I.1.b.2) Tim Schlundt - HS SRC
I.1.b.3) Joni Jones - WCPHS Parapro
I.1.b.4) Kristy West - RTI Bean
I.1.b.5) Shane LaPorte - HS Assistant Wrestling
I.1.b.6) Traci Minix- Parma Parapro
I.1.b.7) Shawnna Breneman- Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
I.2. Facilities
I.2.a. Summer Project Update
I.2.b. WHS Stadium Turf Donation Levels
I.2.c. Bond Project Update
I.2.c.1) Update- Jones Construction, Owner's Representative
I.2.c.2) Schematic Design
I.2.c.3) Disposal of Buildings (Dearing Road Properties)
I.2.c.4) Demolition of Everett House
I.3. Curriculum
I.3.a. Field Trips
I.3.a.1) WHS Choir Chicago Trip
I.3.a.2) Bean Elementary- 5th Grade Chicago Trip
I.3.a.3) 5th Grade Camp
I.3.b. PLC Journey Update (Ryan Tripp)
J. Board Reports:
K. Other Business:
K.1. Dearing and McCain Intersection
L. Closed Session:
M. Adjournment: