July 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag:
C. Approval of Agenda:
D. Hearing of Citizens:
E. Approval of Minutes:
E.1. June 13, 2022 Regular Meeting
F. Treasurer's Report:
F.1. Financial Statements
F.2. Bills for Payment
F.3. Budgets to Date
F.4. Bond Proceeds Investment
F.5. State Aid Update
G. Superintendent's Reports and Recommendations:
G.1. Personnel
G.1.a. Resignations
G.1.a.1) Alexa Trojniak - Warner Teacher
G.1.a.2) Jessica Valentine - HS Office
G.1.a.3) Kimberly Shore - HS Teacher
G.1.b. Appointments
G.1.b.1) Morgan Cordell- Potter - Bean Teacher
G.1.b.2) Hannah Thornton - HS English
G.1.b.3) Kathy Schaefer - Bean Media Specialist
G.1.b.4) Kris Godden - Parma Paraprofessional
G.1.b.5) Heidi Cameron - Bean Parapro
G.1.b.6) Jerome Broughman - Varsity Wrestling Coach
G.1.b.7) Erik Giannunzio - JV Football
G.1.b.8) James Leindecker - Freshman Football
G.1.b.9) J.T. Shaw - 7th Grade Football
G.1.b.10) Clara Walt - 7th Grade Volleyball
G.1.b.11) Logan Wiend - 7th Grade Football
G.2. Facilities
G.2.a. Construction Project Update
G.2.a.1) Conceptual Design Process
G.2.a.2) Demo - Everett House
G.2.b. Contracts
G.2.b.1) Architect - TMP
G.2.b.2) Owner's Representative - Jones Construction (Toby Jones)
G.2.b.3) Construction Manager - R.W. Mercer
G.3. Curriculum
G.3.a. Return To Learn Plan
H. Board Reports:
I. Other Business:
I.1. MHSAA 2022-2023
I.2. MASB Annual Renewal
J. Closed Session:
K. Adjournment: