May 14, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Hearing of Citizens:
C. Committee of the Whole:
C.1. Finance
C.1.a. Financial Reports
C.1.b. Check Register
C.1.c. Budgets to Date
C.1.d. Sinking Fund Discussion
C.1.d.1) Revenue Options
C.1.d.1)a) Sinking Fund Proposal - Revisited
C.1.d.1)b) Fund Balance
C.1.d.1)c) Installment Purchase Agreement (IPA)
C.1.d.2) Existing Needs
C.1.d.2)a) Infrastructure (HVAC, Boilers, etc.)
C.1.d.2)b) Security
C.1.d.2)c) Technology (iPad Refresh)
C.2. Facilities
C.2.a. HVAC Replacement Bid
C.3. Personnel
C.3.a. Retirement
C.3.a.1) Michael Ykimoff - Elementary Principal
C.3.b. Resignations
C.3.b.1) Jennifer Bushong - GSRP
C.3.b.2) Jill Huver - Little Panthers Daycare
C.3.b.3) Brooklyn Mayo - Little Panthers Daycare
C.3.b.4) Jacki Jenkins - Sideline and Competitive Cheer Coach
C.3.c. Appointments
C.3.c.1) Bridgette Anderson - Little Panthers Daycare
C.4. Curriculum
C.4.a. Chromebook Purchase Discussion
C.4.b. iPad Refresh Proposal
C.4.c. K-5 Standards Based Grading
C.5. Policy
D. Other Business:
D.1. JCISD Budget
D.2. Trip Requests
D.2.a. Boys Soccer Team Summer Camp 2018
D.2.b. 8th Grade Washington DC Trip 2018-2019
D.3. Enrollment Data Summary
D.4. School Calendar 2018-2019
D.5. Memorial Day Parade
D.6. Calendar of Events
E. Executive Session:
F. Adjournment: