August 7, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Hearing of Citizens:
C. Committee of the Whole:
C.1. Finance
C.1.a. Financial Reports
C.1.b. Check Register
C.1.c. Budgets to Date
C.2. Facilities
C.3. Personnel
C.3.a. PCMI and PESG Contracted Employees
C.3.b. Elementary Spanish - Prichard
C.4. Curriculum
C.4.a. Focus School Identification
C.4.a.1) Warner Presentation
C.4.a.2) Middle School Presentation
C.5. Policy
D. Other Business:
D.1. 2012-2013 District Goals (strategies)
D.2. Lunch Price Increase [1.40 brkfst (no change), 2.10 elem, 2.40 ms/hs - (up .05) no change in milk price]
D.3. Bus Video Demo
D.4. Welcome Back Activities
E. Executive Session:
F. Adjournment: