June 12, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order
II. Consent Items
II.1. Monthly Bills
II.2. Appraisal District Reports
II.3. Financial Report
III. Mid-Management Campus and Programs Reports
III.1. Athletic's Director Report
III.2. Assistant Superintendent's Report
III.3. Special Services Director Report
IV. New Business
IV.1. Consideration and possible approve to proceed to purchase land across from the Elementary 220 West 8th
IV.1.A. Information:
I received a call from Trey Payne, attorney with the Title Company regarding the purchase of the lot. There is a problem with location all of the family members or at least one of them will not sign the release. Therefore, we cannot get a clear title on the property. He did say he could do a Deed but would never have a clear title unless the other family member comes around. Mr. Payne did say that if this guy comes "out of the woodwork" at some point, you might have to give him a little money to sign off. |
IV.1.B. Recommendation:
I do not have a recommendation. I do not know how strongly you feel about this purchase. You can discuss it at the meeting and come to a consensus. |
IV.2. Consideration and possible approval of Agreement with the Underwood Law Firm as presented.
IV.2.A. Information:
This is just the annual agreement for Underwood to represent the District in legal matters. You can get out of it at any time and hire some other firm if you so choose. |
IV.2.B. Recommendation:
I recommend approval. |
IV.3. Consideration and possible approval of salary scales
IV.3.A. Information:
Mr. Price is moving from Elementary AP to High school AP. Mr. Garza is at the Middle School and will not be coaching. Ms. Dalby will be moving from the Elementary Counselor position to Elementary AP. You have an Exhibit with my recommendation for the their salary for 2018-19. This is all the recommendations I have for salary schedules at this time. |
IV.3.B. Recommendation:
I recommend approval. There is some cost savings from last year with this recommendation. |
IV.4. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendments
IV.4.A. Information:
Mrs. Mills has a couple of budget transfer requests that require Board approval. |
IV.4.B. Recommendation:
I recommend approval. |
IV.5. Consideration and possible approval of Germ Blast
IV.5.A. Information:
It is my understanding that you have reviewed this proposal previously and maybe took no action or Tabled the item for a later date. Given the state of the budget, I am not sure that the District can afford to do this. At a minimum you might consider the indoor workout facility. |
IV.5.B. Recommendation:
My recommendation would be to reject the proposal unless you want to consider the indoor facility. Two annual applications would cost $2,264.40 (total) according to their proposal. |
V. Personnel
VI. Superintendent's Report
VI.1. Information:
Kay will have information regarding the Summer Leadership Conference. |
VI.2. Information:
As you recall, our attorneys were disputing Flynn Roofing Co claims for 70 bad weather days for the roofing projects on the Arena, Ag Shop and Cafeteria. Flynn finally agreed to settle for just the Retainer that was owed to them. We paid that last week and have our Warranties for that project. I think this puts a close to that project. |
VI.3. Information:
I will have a little presentation for you on the state of the budget. At the time we are preparing the agenda, I do not have that completed. I will have it for you at the meeting. |
VII. Adjournment