July 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Approval of Agenda
2. Communications Reports
2.1. STEAM - Russ Hackel and JerriAnne Burton
2.2. Intervention - Julie Karger, Rebecca Matejka and Amy Blaine
2.3. Administrative Reports
2.3.1. Superintendent Report - Karger
2.4. Board Member Reports
2.4.1. School Board Negotiations Committee - Certified (FEA) - Shipman, Helmers, Nunn
2.4.2. School Board Negotiations Committee - Non-Certified (MSEA) - Matejka, Antonsen, Shipman
3. Consider Consent Agenda Items
3.1. Adoption of Minutes from June 12, 2023 Regular School Board Meeting and from the June 29, 2023 Special School Board Meeting
3.2. Treasurer's Report
3.3. Check Summary
3.4. Personnel
3.4.1. Approval of the Resignation of an Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Teacher
3.4.2. Approval of Hiring a School Readiness / Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Teacher / Parent Educator
3.4.3. Approval of Hiring a Head Cross Country Coach
3.5. Other
3.5.1. Approval of the Lakes Country Service Cooperative PD4Me Annual Membership Fee
3.5.2. Approval of the Minnesota Rural Education Association (MREA) Annual Membership Renewal for 2023-2024
3.5.3. Approval to Authorize the Superintendent to Advertise for Milk Bids for 2023-2024
3.5.4. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
4. Hornet Pride
5. Consider Business Items (Action Required)
5.1. Approval of the Correction to the School Calendar for 2023-2024
5.2. Approval of the Service Agreement for Mental Health Therapy Services with Stellher Human Service, Inc.
5.3. Approval of the ICS Recommendation to Accept the Request for Proposal for the Athletic Field Storage Shed from D & S Lakes Area Construction, LLC for $42,348
6. Meetings/Workshops
6.1. Regular School Board Meeting, Monday, August 14, 2023, 6:00 p.m., High School Media Center