June 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Approval of Agenda
2. Communications Reports
2.1. Continuous Improvement Plan - Shane Tappe
2.2. Administrative Reports
2.2.1. Spring Activities Report - Courneya
2.2.2. Superintendent Report - Karger
2.3. Board Member Reports
2.3.1. Budget & Facilities Committee Report - Helmers, Matejka, Trieglaff
3. Consider Consent Agenda Items
3.1. Adoption of Minutes from the May 8, 2023 Regular School Board Meeting
3.2. Treasurer's Report
3.3. Check Summary
3.4. Personnel
3.4.1. Approval of Hiring a First Grade Classroom Teacher
3.4.2. Approval of Hiring a Sixth Grade Classroom Teacher
3.4.3. Approval of Hiring a Latch Key Supervisor
3.4.4. Approval of Hiring an Elementary Special Education Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Teacher
3.4.5. Approval of Hiring an Elementary Special Education Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Teacher
3.4.6. Approval of Hiring a Summer Grounds Worker and Custodial Cleaner
3.4.7. Approval of Hiring Summer Technology Help
3.4.8. Approval of Hiring an Indian Education Coordinator
3.4.9. Approval of the Resignation of a School Readiness / ECFE Classroom Teacher / Parent Educator
3.4.10. Approval of the Resignation of a Special Education Teacher
3.4.11. Approval of the Resignation of a High School Science Teacher
3.4.12. Approval of the Resignation of the Indian Education Coordinator
3.4.13. Approval of the Resignation of the Native Club Advisor
3.4.14. Approval of the Resignation of a Custodian
3.4.15. Approval of the Resignation of the Student Council Advisor
3.4.16. Approval of the Resignation of the Head Cross Country Coach
3.4.17. Approval of the Resignation of a Junior High Track Coach
3.4.18. Approval of the Resignation of the Junior High Volleyball Coach
3.4.19. Approval of a Leave Request
3.4.20. Approval of a Leave Request
3.5. Other
3.5.1. Approval of the Minnesota School Boards Association Membership Dues for 2023-2024
3.5.2. Approval of the 2023-2024 Adult Basic Education (ABE) Agreement
3.5.3. Approval of the Lakes Country Service Cooperative Membership Agreement for 2023-2024
3.5.4. Approval of the Lakes Country Service Cooperative Health & Safety Services Agreement for FY2023-2026
3.5.5. Approval of the Child and Adult Care Food Program Contract for Vended Meals for the 2023 Summer Food Service Program with Danielle Francis FCC
3.5.6. Approval of the Child and Adult Care Food Program Contract for Vended Meals for the 2023 Summer Food Service Program with Tiffany Haugen's Childcare
3.5.7. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
4. Hornet Pride
5. Consider Business Items (Action Required)
5.1. Approval of Hiring a .5 Elementary Music / .2 Gifted and Talented Teacher
5.2. Approval of Hiring an Assistant Varsity Dance Coach
5.3. Approval of the Food Service Manager - Summer Food Program Agreement
5.4. Approval to Accept the Upper Lakes Foods, Inc. Quote for a Reach-In Refrigerator for Food Service at $5,877.14.
5.5. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, District Council No. 65, and its Affiliated Local Number 210 (AFSCME) that Juneteenth shall be a Recognized Paid Holiday as of June 19, 2023.
5.6. Approval to Adopt the 2023-2024 Minnesota State High School League Resolution for Membership
5.7. Approval of the Lease Agreement with Dakota Mailing & Shipping Equipment for the Postage Machine
5.8. Approval to Award the Property/Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance Bid for FY24 to Bremer Insurance Company
5.9. Approval of the Recommendation from the Budget & Facilities Committee to Accept the Professional Services Agreement Proposal to Provide Owner Representation and Project Management Services on Behalf of the District for Upcoming Improvements Projects; Roof Replacement and Athletic Field Storage Shed
5.10. Approval of the Resolution Proposing Placement of a Continuing Contract/Tenured Teacher on Unrequested Leave of Absence
6. Meetings/Workshops
6.1. Regular School Board Meeting, Monday, July 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m., High School Media Center