August 22, 2017 at 4:00 PM - Facilities Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Gilbreath-Reed CTC-Exterior Signage-Mida Milligan-GISD
II.A. Options from Corgan to add Garland ISD to the Signage on the Building
III. Facilities Schedule-Joel Falcon-GISD
III.A. State Energy Conservation Office (SECO) LoanSTAR Program
III.B. 2017 Summer Projects Update
IV. Presentation on Bid Package 3.1-Gloria Boyd-ALLIANCE
IV.A. Architects will make a presentation on BP 3.1 (Centerville ES, Hillside ES, Williams ES and O’Banion MS)
V. Status Update-Douglas Armstrong-Jacobs
V.A. BP 2.7 Club Hill ALE Restroom
V.B. Phase 2 Bond Schools Readiness for August 28, 2017
VI. Adjournment