October 30, 2006 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. 5:00 PM - Tour of District Support Services Facility
2. 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Begins at Canyon Middle School - Consider and Take Action to Approve Agenda
3. Audience Participation
4. Consider and Take Action to Approve an Order by the Board of Trustees of the Comal ISD Authorizing the Issuance of Comal ISD Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2006; Levying a Continuing Direct Annual Ad Valorem Tax for the Payment of the Bonds; Prescribing the Form, Terms, Conditions, and Resolving Other Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance, Sale, and Delivery of the Bonds, Including the Approval and Distribution of an Official Statement Pertaining Thereto; Authorizing the Execution of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, an Escrow and Trust Agreement, and a Purchase Contract; Complying with the Letter of Representations with the Depository Trust Company; Delegating the Authority to Certain Members of the Board of Trustees and District Staff to Execute Certain Documents Relating to the Sale of the Bonds; and Providing an Effective Date
5. Consider and Take Action to Approve Names for Four New Schools and Rename Three Existing Schools
6. Consider and Take Action to Approve Change Order for District Support Services Building
7. Consider and Take Action to Approve Contract for Wastewater Disposal at Elementary School Site in Startzville
8. Consider and Take Action on the Resolution Regarding Changes in Trustee Elections, including (1) authorizing joint elections with the City of Garden Ridge, City of Bulverde, and City of New Braunfels as appropriate beginning with the May 12, 2007 election and (2) authorizing the Superintendent to negotiate and execute all necessary agreements and submit changes to the U. S. Department of Justice for preclearance.
Considerar y tomar acción sobre la Resolución con respecto a cambios en las elecciones de síndicos, incluyendo (1) autorizar elecciones conjuntas con la Ciudad de Garden, Ciudad de Bulverde, y Ciudad de New Braunfels cuando apropia principiando con la elección de Mayo 12, 2007 y (2) autorizar al Superintendente para que negocie y firme todos los acuerdos necesarios y presente cambios de pre-aprobación al Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos.
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Approve Consent Agenda
9.B. Board Meeting Minutes
9.C. Financial Statement and Expenditures
9.D. Monthly Tax Report
9.E. Budget Amendments
9.F. Donations
9.G. Waiver for Staff Development and TAKS Schedule
9.H. Adjunct Staff Member Status for Comal County 4-H
9.I. Purchase of Instructional Software
10. Consider and Take Action to Approve Bids and Proposals
10.A. Bid Consolidation Approval
10.B. Construction & Paving Materals, and Asphalt Services
10.C. Canyon Middle School Roof Replacement
10.D. Food Providers and Services
10.E. Telephone Service HUB for Schools in AT&T Service Area
10.F. Awards & Promotional Materials
11. Reports
11.A. Construction
11.B. Quarterly Investments
11.C. Purchasing Policy CH Local
11.D. Board Policy Update 78
11.E. Demographics
11.F. 2007-08 Middle and High School Class Schedules
12. Closed Session Pursuant to Sections 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code.
12.A. Pursuant to 551.074, discuss personnel employments, resignations, retirements, and assignments
12.B. Pursuant to 551.072, discuss the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property.
12.C. Pursuant to 551.082, review student expulsion(s)
13. Consider and Take Action on Contractual Personnel: Resignations, Retirements, Employments
14. Consider and Take Action to Approve Earnest Money Contract for Land in Bexar County
15. Consider and Take Action to Approve Earnest Money Contract for Land in Bexar County
16. Consider and Take Action to Approve Earnest Money Contract for Land in New Braunfels
17. Consider and Take Action to Approve Resolution for Sale of Property in Spring Branch Area