January 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Pledge to the American and Texas Flag
I.B. Certification of Public Notice
II. Superintendent Report
II.A. School Board Appreciation Month
II.B. Presentation of Possible Programs for Secondary Instruction
II.C. Budget Timeline
II.D. Security Update
II.E. Teacher Presentation
II.F. Hunter Gym
II.G. Covid Update
III. Reports from Staff: Principals and Directors may make Reports of a General Nature on the Operation of their Area of Responsibility. Items of particular Public Interest will be Posted Individually.
III.A. Enrollment /Attendance Update
III.B. Benchmark Update
III.C. Facilities Update
III.D. Athletic Director's Update
IV. Discussion and Action on Consent Agenda: The items on the consent agenda require routine board action. All items on this portion of the agenda can be adopted with one motion/second and majority of a quorum of trustees. Any trustee can move on items from the consent agenda for a separate discussion and vote.
IV.A. Approval and/or Correction of the Minutes
IV.A.1. Regular Meeting on December 14, 2020
IV.B. Gifts and Solicitations
IV.C. Budget Amendments
IV.D. Check Payments
IV.E. Financial Report
IV.F. Quarterly Investment Report
V. New Business
V.A. Consideration and Possible Action to Order the School Board Election for Place 3 and Place 4 for the May 1, 2021 General Election. Considerar y Tomar una Posible Accion para Ordenar la Eleccion para los Miembros Directivos Escolar para Lugar 3 y 4 para la Election el 1 de mayo, 2021.
V.B. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Resolution of the Board Regarding Extension of Leave for Employee Quarantine
V.C. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Marfa ISD's HB3 Goals for Reading, Math, and CCMR.
V.D. Discussion an Possible Action to Approve the Request for an Over Payment Refund from the PCAD for the Year 2019/2020.
V.E. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Audit Contract with Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert and Moss, LLP for the Fiscal Year Ending on August 31, 2021.
VI. Executive Session
VI.A. Pursuant to Tex Govt Code 551.074, Consider and Discuss Personnel Employment, Assignments, Termindations and Regsignations
VII. Consideration of and Possible Action on Matters Discussed in Closed Session
VIII. Discussion of Future Items to be Included on Next Agenda
IX. Adjourn
In Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Board may enter into a closed meeting to deliberate any item that is listed above that fits within an exception listed in Subchapter D. Any final action, decision, or vote on a subject deliberated in closed meeting will be taken in an open meeting held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. |