August 31, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Special
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Establishment of Quorum/Roll Call
I.B. Pledge to the American and Texas Flags
I.C. Certification of Public Notice
II. Recognition of Visitors - Public Forum
III. Consider Action on Gifts and Solicitations
III.A. Shorthorn Parents for Shorthorn Kids
IV. Consent Agenda: The items on the consent agenda require routine board action. All items on this portion of the agenda can be adopted with one motion/second and majority of a quorum of trustees. Any trustee can move on items from the consent agenda for a separate discussion and vote. Discussion/Action
IV.A. Investments Quarterly Report
IV.B. Resolution - Designation of Investment Officers
IV.C. Resolution - Approval of Qualified Brokers and Investment Sources
IV.D. Financial Statements
IV.E. Year End Budget Amendments
V. Unfinished Business
V.A. Approval of Marfa ISD Employee Handbook
VI. New Business
VI.A. Public Hearing on 2009-2010 Budget
VI.B. Adoption of 2009-2010 Budget
VI.C. Public Hearing on Discussion of Adopted Budget and Proposed 2009 Tax Rate
VI.D. Adopt 2009 Tax Rate by Ordinance
VI.E. Approve Proposed 2009 Tax Rate
VI.F. Schedule and Announce Meeting to Adopt 2009 Tax Rate
VI.G. Approve Letter of Engagement and Agreed Upon Procedures for State Compensatory Education 2007-2008 Audit by Gibson, Ruddock, Patterson, LLC.
VI.H. Approve Letter of Engagement and Agreed Upon Procedures for Financial Audit for Year Ending August 31, 2009 by Gibson, Ruddock, Patterson, LLC.
VI.I. Resolution - Designated Fund Balances
VII. Adjourn