June 24, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order by Chairman.
2. Pledge
3. Roll Call by Clerk.
4. Approve Agenda
Aye: Moved: Nay: Seconded: Vote: |
5. Consider consent agenda, revise and remove as needed.
5.a. Correction and approval of Minutes of Regular meeting of Regular meeting of May 20, 2024, and special meetings of May 23 and June 10, 2024.
5.b. Consideration of Claims and Accounts:
5.b.1. Approve the May 2024 bills in the amount of $436,354.03
This total includes: a. General Fund: $343,217.52 b. Food Service Fund: $16,854.91 c. Transportation Fund: $21,418.85 d. Community Service Fund: $17,233.66 e. Capital Expenditure Fund: $37,629.09 f. Construction Fund: $_____ g. Debt Service Fund: $_____ h. Scholarship Fund: $_____
5.b.2. Review current bills through June 10, 2024, presented for payment in
the amount of $202,357.61.
5.b.3. Review investments and wire transfers:
Investments: No changes Financial Purchase Maturity Interest Institution Date Amount Date Rate |
5.b.4. Approve the May, 2024 receipts in the amount of $1,114,013.68
This total includes: a. General Fund: $1,080,782.99 b. Food Service Fund: $21,373.69 c. Transportation Fund: $_____ d. Community Service Fund: $11,857.00 e. Capital Expenditure Fund: $_____ f. Debt Service Fund: $_____
Aye: Moved:
Nay: Seconded: Vote:
5.c. Approve the resolution accepting gifts/donations to Hill City School:
Whereas the following; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Hill City District 2, Hill City, and State of Minnesota as follows: Hill City School-District 2 School Board does hereby accept the following gifts/donations
5.d. Recognitions
5.d.1. We want to express our deepest appreciation to Mr. Adam Johnson. Thank you for the leadership, guidance, and support you've provided during your time here at Hill City School. Your legacy will live on through the many students, teachers, and staff who have been inspired by your vision and passion. Your tireless efforts have improved our district and community in countless ways, and we're so grateful for your presence. We wish you all the best as you start this new journey, and we're all grateful for the time you've spent with us.
5.e. (open for consent items)
6. Comments and requests from visitors
7. Committees and Reports:
7.a. Negotiations Committee
7.a.1. Setting up a meeting to meet with HCUE for Read Act MOU
7.a.2. Nor-Tran update
7.b. Community Education Report
7.c. Early Childhood Report
7.d. Director of Finacnes and Operations Report
7.e. Principal's Report: see attached
7.f. Superintendent's Report
9.a. Approve the following contracts
Superintedent/Principal Controller Technology Director Storm Activities Director
9.b. Approve the proposed 2025 budget.
9.c. Approve purchasing a school vehicle at a cost not to exceed $35,000
9.d. Approve to hire Lydia Weishair as 1.0 FTE paraprofessional starting the 2024-2025 school year as per the AFCSME contract.
9.e. Approve hiring Matthew Alleva as the .5 FTE Science Teacher for the 2024-2025 School Year per the HCUE contract
9.f. Approve hiring Kim Mueske as the .33 FTE Medical Careers Teacher for the 2024-2025 School Year per the HCUE contract
9.g. Accept the resignation of Mark Meyer as a board member and vice chiar.
9.h. Appoint a vice chair for the remainder of the calendar year.
9.i. Approve to post for a 1.0 FTE Special Education teacher for th 2024-2025 school year.
9.j. Approve the resolution governing write-in vote counting
9.k. Approve Resolution Establishing Dates for Filing Affidavits of Candidacy for the school board elections on November 5, 2024.
9.l. Approve the 2024-2025 Specific Services Contract with ARCC
9.m. Approve the 2024-2025 Purchase of Services Agreement with IASC for Special Education Program Services
9.n. Approve the professional services agreement with North Homes, Inc. for the 2024-2025 school year.
9.o. Approve Resolution to Designate Max Torgerson and Jessica Boatman as Identified Officials with Authority and Proxy for Education Identity Access Management.
9.p. Approve carrying over unused vacation days from the 2023-2024 School Year to the 2024-2025 School Year for the following:
School Secretary, Mendy Oukrop MARSS Coordinator, Jessica Boatman Custodians: Bill Clarke, Mark J Meyer |
9.q. Approve to appoint Haley Wentz as interim school board member
9.r. Breakfast Prices EC-12 Free
Second Breakfast EC -12 $5.00 Lunch Prices EC-12 Free Second Meal EC-12 $5.00 Adult Breakfast $5.00 Adult Lunch $5.00 Milk $0.65 Ala Carte Meal will be priced according to each food /beverage selected. Money must be in accounts to purchase Ala carte items. |
9.s. Meetings to be Attended and Meetings Attended.
9.s.1. Next Regular Board meeting: July 22, 2024.
9.t. The meeting will be closed as permitted by section 13D.05, subdivision 2 (a), to discuss an active investigation.
10. Adjourn
11. Respectfully Submitted,
Joell Miranda, Clerk |