January 11, 2016 at 6:45 PM - Reorganizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Election of Officials
5. Discussion and Approval of Meeting Structure
6. Board Compensation
7. Set place, time, and dates of regular meetings for the calendar year of 2016 and direct C. Denise Kurtze, board secretary, to publish and post the schedule. 1/11 #19
8. Approve Bank Depositories 1/11 #20
9. Authorize Signatures for various funds, Accounts, Payroll, and Purchase Orders 1/11 #21
10. Authorize Access to District Safe Deposit Box 1/11 #22
11. Appoint Election Administrator: Administrative Assistant to the Board of Ed. 1/11 #23
12. Appointment of School District Attorneys 1/11 #24
13. Appointment of MAISD Representative and Alternative Representative 1/11 #25
14. Any other items of annual business
15. Adjournment