August 29, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.a. Announce quorum
1.b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Public Comments/Audience Participation
3. Presentation by TASB Consultant and Approval of Leadership Qualifications and Characteristics
Jack Damron
4. Superintendent's Report
4.a. District Information
4.b. Enrollment
4.c. Financial Information
4.d. Accountability Rating
5. Presentation from Bell County Appraisal District on Delinquent Taxes
Harvey Allen
6. Presentation of Campus Improvement Plans
Campus Administrators
7. Campus Administrators' Report and Extracurricular Updates
8. Consent Agenda
9. Consider Setting the 2016-2017 Tax Rate
10. Consider Adoption of the 2016-2017 Operating Budget
11. Consider Approval of the End of Year Budget Amendment for the 2015-2016
12. Consider Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP)
13. Consider Policy Update 105
14. Consider Policy Update 106
15. Discuss and Possible Action on Gym Roof Repair
16. Consider Replacing Roof Cap Molding on Field House
17. Consider Dr. Don Hancock and 3 Principals as Teacher Appraisers for the 2016-17 School Year
18. Upcoming Dates
19. Future Agenda Items
20. Employment
20.a. Discus and Possible Consideration of Adding an Elementary and Agri. Science Teacher
21. Adjournment