June 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Announcement by the chairman whether a quorum is present, that the meeting has been duly called, and that notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law.
1.B. Invocation
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas
1.D. Strategic Plan Reading
We will ensure each student has a quality person prepared to meet his or her unique needs. * Recruitment processes to obtain quality new and experienced teachers. * Processes to retain quality teachers. * Focused and tiered professional development for all teachers. * Systems to support classroom teachers. * Effective evaluation system for teachers. |
2. Open Forum
3. Consent Agenda:
3.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Held on May 17, 2021.
3.B. Item of Information regarding Maintenance and Operations.
3.C. Item of Information regarding Transportation.
3.D. Item of Information regarding SFE.
3.E. Item of Information on the district's investment activity for May 2021.
3.F. Item of Information on the district's credit card activity for May 2021.
3.G. Item of Information for Revenues and Expenditures as of May 2021.
3.H. Item of Information on the tax collection activity for May 2021.
3.I. Item of Information for the district's Federal program activity for May 2021.
3.J. Item of Information on Student Enrollment.
3.K. Item of Information on Student Discipline.
4. Items of Division of Administration & Operations:
4.A. Discussion and possible action to approve the private resale property account No. 11630.
4.B. Consider approval of 2021-2022 Regular School Board Meeting schedule.
4.C. Consider approval of 2021-2022 Student Code of Conduct.
4.D. Consider approval of Apple purchase - Teacher Laptop Initiative
4.E. Discuss and Consider approval of the 2021-2022 monthly reports.
5. Items of Division of Business and Finance:
5.A. Consider approval of accounts payable checks for May 2021.
5.B. Consider approval of Food Service Management Company.
5.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendment #6.
5.D. Item of Information for Budget Workshop #1.
6. Items of Division of Curriculum and Instruction:
6.A. Consider approval of the Uvalde Regional Day School Program for the Deaf Cooperative Interlocal Agreement.
6.B. Item of Information regarding Schoology.
6.C. Item of Information on New Hope Day Care PK Program.
6.D. Item of Information on Teacher Incentive Allotment.
7. Superintendent's Report
7.A. Future Board Meetings
8. Closed Session: A closed session will be held under Provisions of Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 and 551.074.
8.A. Deliberations Concerning Approval of Personnel Employments, Assignments, Suspensions, and Terminations.
8.B. Consider and Discuss Recommendation to Terminate Term Certified Administrator Contract.
9. Reconvene from Closed Session for Action Relevant to Items Covered During Closed Session and Other Items Listed.
9.A. Consider and Take Possible Action Concerning Approval of Personnel Employments, Assignments, Suspensions, and Terminations.
9.B. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Termination of Term Certified Administrator Contract.
10. Adjournment