August 23, 2004 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Convene In Open Session
2. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
3. Reports and Recognitions
3.A) Delinquent Tax Collections Report for the Period of March 1, 2004 through July 31, 2004
Linda Herrera-Romeros
3.B) Report on Career and Technology Education (CATE) Graphic Arts/Print Shop Integration Project
Dr. Mike Barrera
3.C) HOSTS Report 2003-2004
Dr. George Padilla
4. Open Forum
5. Adjourn to Closed Session:
Board of Trustees may go into Closed Session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074 Texas Government Code to discuss the following:
5.A) District Recommendation(s) for School Year 2004-2005
5.B) District Resignation(s) for School Year 2004-2005
5.C) Recommendation of Science Coordinator
5.D) Recommendation of Coordinator for P.E./Health/After School Enrichment Programs
5.E) Recommendation of Coordinator for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
5.F) Recommendation of Coordinator for Elementary Mathematics (PK-5)
6. Reconvene to Open Session
6.A) District Recommendation(s) for School Year 2004-2005
6.B) District Resignation(s) for School Year 2004-2005
6.C) Recommendation of Science Coordinator
6.D) Recommendation of Coordinator for P.E./Health/After School Enrichment Programs
6.E) Recommendation of Coordinator for the International Baccaulaureate (IB) Program
6.F) Recommendation of Coordinator for Elementary Mathematics (PK-5)
7. Consent Agenda
7.A) Renewal of RFP No. 2569 - Voluntary Group Cancer/Specified Disease Insurance
7.B) Renewal of Bid No. 3520 - Air Conditioner Filter Maintenance Change Service
7.C) Renewal of Bid No. 4531 - Pest Control Services
7.D) Bid No. 4591 - Custodial Supplies and Equipment
7.E) Request for Proposal No. 4592 - Fresh Branded Chicken Sandwiches and Related Products
7.F) Bid No. 4617 - Auditory Equipment and Accessories
7.G) Request for Proposal No. 4625 - Cold Storage Facility Services Re-Bid
7.H) CISV Request for Offer No. 5515 - Diagnostic Prescriptive Reading Lab for McAllen High School, Memorial High School and Rowe High School
7.I) Interlocal Agreement Between McAllen ISD and Hidalgo County Juvenile Probation Department
7.J) Renewal of Maintenance Agreements for Diagnostic Prescriptive Reading Labs
7.K) List of Certified Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Appraisers for 2004-2005
7.L) Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Interlocal Participation Agreement for Risk Management Services Regarding Unemployment Compensation for 2004-2005
7.M) Agreement Between McAllen Independent School District and Communities In Schools of Hidalgo County, Inc.
7.N) Memorandum of Understanding for the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program
7.O) Second Amendment to Interlocal Agreement for the McAllen Independent School District S.T.A.R. Project
7.P) HOSTS Program Contract 2004-2005
7.Q) GEAR UP Interlocal Cooperation Contract No. 514286
7.R) Approval of Travel for Board of Trustees
7.S) Approval of Superintendent's Travel
7.T) Sole Source No. 5516 - Carter-Pertaine, Inc. Software Services and Support Agreement
7.U) Renewal of RFP No. 3501 - Assessment, Counseling and Education Services for Substance Abuse
8. Contract with the San Antonio Spurs and McAllen ISD for McAllen High School to Participate in the San Antonio Spurs Preliminary SBC Center Games
Poppy Rodriguez
9. McAllen Independent School District Budget for Fiscal Year Beginning September 1, 2004 and Ending August 31, 2005
Linda Herrera-Romeros
10. Resolution Adopting the 2004 School Tax Rate
Linda Herrera-Romeros
11. McAllen Independent School District Final Budget Amendment for School Year Beginning September 1, 2003 and Ending August 31, 2004
Linda Herrera-Romeros
12. Approve Change Order No. 3 for the HVAC Modifications to Rowe High School Natatorium
Scott Owings
13. Approve Request for Payment No. 3 to Unitech Engineering for HVAC Modifications to Rowe High School
Scott Owings
14. Renewal of Agreement for On-Call Architectural Design Services
Scott Owings
15. Approval of Contract for Hinojosa Engineering, Inc. for On-Call Structural Engineering Services
Scott Owings
16. Request to Cease Negotiations with Highest Ranked Mechanical Engineer Firm And Proceed With Re-Ranking of Tied Second Highest Ranked Mechanical Engineer Firms for RFQ No. 4609 - On-Call Mechanical and Structural Engineering Services
Scott Owings
17. Approval of Addendum to the Electric Sales Agreement; Direction from the Board of Trustees to Obtain Energy Quotes; To Re-Establish a Range of Energy Rates; Appointment of Designee and Alternate Designee Authorized to Execute a Contract for Energy Services
Lorena Pequeno
18. Endorsement of Candidates for Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors
Yolanda Chapa
19. Amendment to the Approved Salary Increases for 2004-2005
20. Superintendent's Report
20.A) School Related Activities
20.B) TASB/TASA Conference - September 17-20, 2004 - Dallas, TX
20.C) Summer Time Active Reading (STAR) Reception - September 22, 2004 - 2:00 PM - Tower Club
21. Schedule of Future Meetings
21.A) Board Workshop (Accountability Bond Committee Mtg.) - August 25, 2004 - 5:00 - 6:30 PM - Jackson Elementary Library
21.B) Board Workshop (Team Building & Goal-Setting) - August 30 & 31, 2004 - 5:00 - 9:00 PM - Board Room - George McShan, Presenter/Facilitator
21.C) Board Curriculum Comm. Mtg. - September 8, 2004 - 4:00 - 6:00 PM - Board Room
21.D) Special Board Mtg. - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 5:30 PM - Travis MS Cafeteria (Dist. Performance Objectives/Campus Executive Summaries and CPOs)
21.E) Regular Board Mtg. September 21, 2004 - 6:00 PM
22. Closed Session: The Board of Trustees may reconvene in Closed Session for further discussion regarding the agenda item(s) listed.
23. Open Session: The Board of Trustees may reconvene into Open Session for discussion regarding the agenda item(s) listed.
24. Adjournment